The first cry came, a few days in the hospital with the baby behind, now a new life begins for the baby and his parents. And if the child's tasks are to get stronger, grow and develop, then adults at this time acquire a whole range of concerns.

Why are they crying?
Many fears and doubts can take over and fill the days with negative moments. To avoid this, you need to remember that nature decides a lot for people, and even with a strong desire to change something, sometimes the best choice is made by itself. So, if we approach the study of the causes of crying in children, it turns out that they have not yet been fully clarified. It turns out that crying for a baby is a normal state. Of course, if you exclude diseases, digestive problems or other discomfort. So, at first you just need to determine why the baby is crying?
Crying, so it exists
Pain is not always the cause of crying in newborns. By the evening, the baby can simply get rid of the impressions accumulated during the day. The first and only way for him to relieve tension is crying. And while the child is letting off steam, do not worry too much. Such crying is short-lived and not very loud. In this case, your hugs and favorite toys are enough for the baby to stop crying.
And if it's colic?
The most common cause of crying in babies is colic associated with an unsettled digestive system. If the cry of the child is sharp and loud, he tightens his legs and strains his stomach, then we can conclude that he should be helped with additional means. Sometimes a regular tummy massage helps, sometimes you need to resort to carminative agents, preparations containing fennel and anise, or traditional dill water and a heating pad on the stomach.
In the most difficult situations, when it is not possible to calm the baby, you can use a gas tube. The main thing is not to resort to this method too often, otherwise you can cause weakening of the rectal muscles. Since each organism is very individual, parents have to try different remedies in order to find something that helps only their child. Of course, it is worth consulting a pediatrician in these matters.
Any cry can be stopped
If the baby cries too often, this is a reason to see a doctor. In other cases, it is enough just to listen to the baby, pay attention to how he is dressed and imagine what he can feel. Sometimes the child does not like a tightly fitted diaper, this causes discomfort, especially if the baby has already begun to behave actively. Often, the baby can be hot or cold in certain conditions, you can change his clothes and, perhaps, the crying will stop.
After deep sleep, the child may wake up and cry without seeing adults nearby, such anxiety will immediately stop when you come to the crib. Trying to help your baby in everything and be caring parents for him, you will quickly learn to recognize one or another cause of his disorder, and crying will be heard in the nursery less and less.