Family disagreements and conflicts are an integral part of life. Their frequency and duration in each case depends on the personal characteristics of the spouses, but one thing can be said with complete certainty - a constructively resolved conflict only strengthens the marriage union.

Step 1
In the event that you were confronted with the sad and strong as steel fact "I am offended", remember the most important rule - you need to apologize and ask for forgiveness. Perhaps you will now be overwhelmed by a wave of bewilderment, but you need to act this way and as soon as possible. Indeed, at the moment of a quarrel, it is no longer so important what caused the resentment, but it is obvious that something needs to be done with this resentment. Each of us has a different threshold of sensitivity and different stimuli can cause a reaction that is different in strength and pole. What you think is a mere trifle, for example, muttering “uh-huh” to the question “do you love me?” Can be a little tragedy for your wife. Therefore, going back to the beginning, apologize as soon as you feel that the situation is heating up. Later, when the emotional background subsides, you will be able to rationally discuss everything together.
Step 2
Of course, while doing this, you need to be able to distinguish between a real offense and a selfish desire to manipulate you and your resources. The criterion for the difference is your wife's behavior in different situations. As a rule, people living under one roof for a long time feel very well and are able to determine the state of their partner.
Step 3
The further scenario of events will already have the character of ritual courtship, since by sincerely apologizing, you by default restore your wife's trust and disposition to yourself.
Step 4
A common and time-tested way of apologizing is to present a bouquet of flowers as a sign of attention. You can attach a note to it if you are sending the bouquet through a courier. But, of course, according to the rules of etiquette, if possible, it is necessary to apologize in a personal conversation.
Step 5
As for the purchase of material assets as an atonement - we leave this point to your discretion, since it is in the nature of a man's conquest of a woman and it is not always worth tying him to negative emotions.