Sometimes it happens that an overabundance of stress, aggression and fatigue does not find any other way out and falls on the closest and dearest people. Sister - this is the second person after the mother, offending whom it becomes so disgusting at heart that you want to apologize as soon as possible. There are many ways to ask for forgiveness: from simple hugs with the words: "Forgive me!" - before presenting creative gifts and postcards. There would be a desire, but a way to apologize will always come to mind, depending on the wealth of a person's imagination.

- - camera;
- - a set of A4 colored cardboard (the more colors, the better);
- - a set of colored paper;
- - scissors;
- - stationery knife;
- - pencil;
- - paper glue;
- - a program for editing photos.
Step 1
Make a photo collage. Choose 9 sheets of light-colored cardboard. On them will be the words from the phrase for the apology: "I happen", "such", "bad", "but I", "love", "you", "forgive", "me", "for everything." Words can be different, at your discretion. Then the number of sheets of cardboard may change. The letters can be made of colored paper, or you can use the option on your computer in the Word program: "Insert - WordArt object", print and cut. Then you will need to take a picture with each sheet of cardboard, rehearsing the pose in front of the mirror (it is better if the pose in each picture is different). To make a collage from the resulting photos, use any photo editor. For example Paint. Think of how to present the resulting photo collage - print and frame, or just send by e-mail.
Step 2
Darts as a way to let off steam. For this method, you will also need a photo editing program. Take any photo of yours and make a dartboard out of it. Buy darts from a sports store. Approach your sister with the words: “You know, I am so guilty before you. Release your anger, throw a dart at me! Here's my portrait for you, use it if suddenly I accidentally offend you again! This kind of gift is classified as black humor, so first think about whether your sister likes these jokes.
Step 3
Flash mob as a gift. Feel like a director and organize a flash mob for your sister as a method of reconciliation. A flash mob is the synchronized actions of a whole crowd of people, combined into a composition. Agree with your friends for help, think about what it will be: dance, pantomime, etc. For example, you can invite your sister over (if she doesn’t live with you), take her out onto the balcony, make a conciliatory speech, and then ask your sister to look down. And there a crowd of friends at your signal will simultaneously open red umbrellas, merging into one big heart. Rehearse in advance how people have to stand up for the heart to work. Or it could be a composition of cars in the form of the word "Sorry." Or maybe friends with colorful balloons will line up in the form of this word, and then release the balloons into the sky.
Step 4
Live postcard. Contact your holiday agency and present your sister with a live postcard. A specially trained person in a themed costume (for example, disguised as a cowboy) will come to your sister's home or work and sing a song, or maybe dance or just recite a poem. If you are confident in your artistic abilities, you can become such a postcard yourself by purchasing all the necessary attributes in advance. Either way, forgiveness, surprise, and appreciation for your efforts will be guaranteed.