Russian folk tales. It has always been believed that they contain all the wisdom of the people. But, reading them to children or for ourselves, we do not think about what is really hidden in them?

Fairy tales were passed down from generation to generation, and of course, as it happens, each storyteller could embellish the tale, add something of his own. Still, the true meaning has not changed. In fact, many folk tales were not even meant for children.
The meaning we see
All difficulties can be overcome together. And you should never be afraid to ask for help.
The meaning hidden from us
The hierarchy is very accurately indicated in the tale, where the grandfather is the head of the family, and he calls the grandmother, as his support, a reliable shoulder in life, then the granddaughter's assistant, etc. You may ask, why are not father and mother here? It used to be customary to give children to their parents for upbringing, because they stayed at home, did the housework, and the young parents worked. It is very interesting that there seem to be sworn enemies among themselves: a dog, a cat, a mouse for the sake of a common cause, forgetting enmity, working for the common good.
They want to convey to us with a fairy tale that since even enemies can unite, then in life we can overcome all the differences among ourselves. The mouse hardly gave any strength in this common cause, but what is important is that she provided support. And together on one command "pull - pull" they were able to carry out their plans.
Gingerbread man
The meaning we see
Running away from home and talking to strangers is bad.
The meaning hidden from us
The main character kolobok teaches us:
· Avoid trouble with cunning.
· Bragging can still lead to the fact that on your way some "fox" may be caught, which will turn out to be more cunning than you.
· Others may not always be positive about you. In fact, there may be hypocrites around.
In this tale, we clearly see good and evil. Where grandfather, grandmother, kolobok are good, and the rest of the characters are evil. But initially the tale of the bun was even more mysterious. The gingerbread man was the personification of the moon, which rolled across the sky and each constellation, and in a fairy tale, animals bite off a piece from it.
Ryaba chicken
The meaning we see
There is no obvious meaning in this story.
The meaning hidden from us
Initially, the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" was much longer, and the story was different in it. When the egg broke, real passions began in the village: she threw out the pies, broke her forty legs, and in one version, someone even hanged himself. Apparently one of the storytellers decided not to retell this whole terrible story and came up with a good ending. So the fairy tale has reached our days, but has completely lost any meaning.
Specialists who research folklore have different opinions about this tale. Some say that the egg represents the creation and destruction of the world. Grandfather and grandmother look at him, rejoice, as if they are creating the world. The egg itself means birth, gold personifies death, the mouse breaking the egg, as an intermediary between the two worlds, life and death.
Some experts draw a parallel between the fairy tale and the story from the Bible about Adam and Eve. Where are they grandmother and grandfather, and the egg is an apple. Another version is that grandmother and grandfather personify old age in a fairy tale. They are so weak that they cannot break an egg, and the mouse broke. Perhaps this tale is about the interconnection of events, when people inflate an elephant from a fly, and people begin to suffer from this. Here is such a seemingly small fairy tale that we read to our children and so many meanings can be laid in it. It remains only to choose what seems to be the most suitable option.
The meaning we see
As in the story with the turnip, we see that we need to do everything together and be hospitable to others.
The meaning hidden from us
Completely different animals have gathered in the house. Predators and those who eat plant foods live here. All of them are united by the fact that they have nowhere to live. They are united by a common problem. They help each other out. The teremok is small, but in the end everything fits here. Why? Because kindness is limitless. When, nevertheless, due to the stupidity of the bear, the teremok collapses, they again begin to build a dwelling together, so that even a bear can climb into it.
Swan geese
The meaning we see
· Do not run away from adults.
· We must take responsibility for our actions and be able to correct them.
· Do not refuse to help others, and the good will return to you.
The meaning hidden from us
This tale is very open. There are no hidden meanings here. Everything is very clear: listen to your parents, be kind. She talks about family values, shows what her sister is ready for for the sake of her brother. Yes, and the beginning of the tale teaches that relatives, first of all, cannot be distracted by the inessential.