Orgasm is the peak of pleasure during sexual intercourse. It can occur in both partners, but most often asynchronously. It is believed that the ability to obtain this state at the same time speaks of the maximum intimacy of lovers.

Step 1
To achieve a joint orgasm, you have to try. It's technically possible, but it's important to learn how to sync. Usually the leading role in this process is given to the man, since it is easier for him to reach the peak of pleasure than for the woman. You need to closely monitor the condition of the lady, feel her readiness for this moment, and when he is already close, allow yourself to relax. It may not work the first time, but frequent training will definitely help.
Step 2
It is believed that real feelings contribute to simultaneous orgasm. If people love each other, if they are reverent, if they enjoy the relationship, the synchronization process goes faster. And at the same time, one participant in the love game gets pleasure from what is good for the other. It can also be called a psychological orgasm, which leads to an unforgettable experience.
Step 3
A long foreplay is required before a simultaneous orgasm. Usually a woman is aroused slower than a man, and she needs to be brought to the desired state. Pay attention to touching, kissing, playing, take your time to move on to the final moment. In the process, study your partner's erogenous zones. This knowledge will greatly help in reaching the peak. If suddenly your partner has not yet reached the desired state, and you are almost ready, begin to quickly caress his most sensitive places in order to bring the moment of pleasure closer.
Step 4
Kegel exercises and similar practices can help control orgasm. This is the stimulation of the muscles of the perineum. If you learn these possibilities, you can easily delay the moment of the onset of euphoria or bring it closer. It is important to just do everything regularly, and then learn how to apply it in practice. This activity is available for both women and men. And you can do them at any convenient time, since outwardly they are almost invisible.
Step 5
To get an orgasm together, you need to learn to recognize the moment when the partner has almost reached pleasure. Movements, moans, grimaces, or just words can speak about this. You can even come up with some kind of sign that will speak of the upcoming finale. When you notice this, start pushing yourself so that you can finish together. This can be done with a variety of caresses, it is important just to study your body in order to understand what almost instantly leads to bliss.
Step 6
Try different positions. The easiest way to control your partner's condition is by being face to face. When a woman has her back to a man, it is much more difficult to feel the moment of approach. But there is a way to diagnose and internal muscles. For example, in most women, the vaginal muscles contract before orgasm, and in the process there are several strong shocks: alternating compression and relaxation.