At What Age Can A Child Be Given Fresh Cow's Milk

At What Age Can A Child Be Given Fresh Cow's Milk
At What Age Can A Child Be Given Fresh Cow's Milk

There is no unequivocal answer to the question of at what age it is necessary to give the child fresh milk. It all depends initially on the quality of this very fresh milk.

At what age can a child be given fresh cow's milk
At what age can a child be given fresh cow's milk

All reputable pediatricians unanimously insist that fresh milk definitely needs to be boiled before use. And when boiled, all its beneficial properties, like harmful bacteria, disappear.

Opinions of Spock and Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky says about fresh milk: "Fresh milk contains many hormones that can affect early sexual development in girls and delayed sexual development in boys." But still milk, according to Dr. Komarovsky, should not be given to a child under the age of 2 years. Yes, there are many useful substances in milk, and the main one of them is calcium, but it also contains such substances, for example, phosphorus, which are very poorly processed by the child's body, and besides, phosphorus directly affects the absorption of calcium. Therefore, the younger your child is, the worse such a steamy drink will affect the condition of his bones. The main point when a child uses milk is the quality of the raw materials and the amount of milk drunk per day.

If the volume that the child drinks is not more than 200 ml, such a small dose will not negatively affect the stomach and bones of the baby.

Benjamin Spock believes that a child should drink about 1 liter of milk a day. But it should not be given to drink in its pure form. That is, you can give your child cocoa, cook porridge in milk, make ice cream, since processed milk in any form and in any food is already much better absorbed by the child's body, because milk protein will no longer be present in its pure form.

But pediatricians around the world generally do not recommend drinking cow's milk for children under 2 years old. It is best to replace it with adapted formulas labeled on cans 2 or 3 (6 months to 12, and the next for children over 12 months).

These mixtures are as close as possible to human milk, and in addition they still contain all the necessary substances, vitamins and minerals that a child needs at different stages of his life.

The benefits and harms of fresh milk

Milk is useful because of its high content of calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and other substances. But there is one biggest but, which can turn everything useful that is in fresh milk into huge problems with the health of the child - this is the quality of milk. Yes, if the cows were provided with eco-friendly nutrition, complete hygiene and sterility when milking cows, no one would give them antibiotics, etc., milk would certainly be 100% useful. But, to the great regret of all parents, it is impossible to achieve such an ideal situation in the current world. Even a domestic cow that feeds on meadows in summer and hay from these fields in winter will never produce organic milk. In any case, harmful bacteria will be contained there, within 2 hours after milking, milk will be most useful, but if it is not placed in the cold, the number of bacteria in it will begin to increase sharply.
