Small children sometimes suffer not only from common colds. Some of them also show an allergic reaction to any surrounding objects.

Why a child may have an allergy to washing powder
Anything can cause an allergy in a child - food, animal dander, plants, conditioner and even washing powder. The baby's skin is very delicate, and all sorts of rashes appear on it very quickly. So, many children are allergic to laundry detergent and to its surfactants. Some parents are surprised at this fact, because such chemical detergents and detergents are usually stored in a place inaccessible to the child, and he does not have direct contact with them. The only mediocre contact in a child with powder particles is at the time of putting on a child's clothes washed with such a powder. However, it is worth reassuring the parents, you are not to blame, the allergy has arisen not from the fact that your child is completely covered with powder, but because the grains of the washing powder settle in the fabrics of the clothes and are not rinsed out. They can be completely washed out of the fabric only after rinsing each item 8 times in clean water. And this is almost impossible
That is why carefully monitor your child's skin reaction after wearing washed clothes.
Detergent Allergy Symptoms
Allergy can manifest itself as reddening of certain areas of the skin. The most common rashes are the face and chest. The skin becomes covered with rash-like pimples, such as hives, sometimes accompanied by severe itching. Also, a skin rash can transform into vesicles - vesicles, which, when bursting, will secrete liquid, itching may intensify. Also, symptoms of an allergy that has appeared can be peeling of the skin, dry skin, the appearance of puffiness and redness.
Most often, these symptoms are found on the hands.
It also happens that allergies are expressed by bronchospasm, allergic rhinitis, dry cough, shortness of breath. But this is quite rare.
Allergy treatment methods
If you suspect an allergy, you should see the child as soon as possible to a specialist. Before that, it does not hurt to give him an antihistamine and lubricate the reddened areas of the skin with hydrocortisone ointment, it will reduce itching and inflammation. Further treatment can only be prescribed by a doctor, after examining the child and, if necessary, prescribing to be tested.