Hysterics in children is a very, very unpleasant phenomenon. Its external manifestations spoil the mood of others, and for the howler himself, tears and screams can cause a disorder of the nervous system. That is why it is important to stop a child's tantrum in time. And this can be done by resorting to one of the indicated methods …

patience and composure
Step 1
When your baby gets hysterical, the most important thing is not to be like him and do not fall into the same state. Of course, you will be nervous, especially if the child throws a tantrum in crowded places: in shops, on the street, etc. Do not repeat the mistakes of many mothers: do not persuade and do not feel sorry for the howler and screamer. Try to bring him to his senses immediately.
Step 2
If the hysteria occurred in a crowded place, in order not to listen to the "useful" comments of others, try to either take the baby to the side where no one will see you, or even take him out of the room.
Step 3
As soon as you are left alone with the child, try to switch his attention to the “evil guy” who swears at the baby, the cat that wanders away, etc.
Does not help? Then use the following method: remember his (or her) hobby and talk about it. If this does not help, then simply at an urgent pace take the child home to wash, watch cartoons, play with your favorite toy.
Step 4
If a hysteria has occurred in your home, then one of the most effective, though quite cruel methods, will be to close the child in the room and let him "shout". Another, much milder solution also helps: hug the child to you and talk to him quietly on abstract topics. The kid will calm down, and, perhaps, this will reduce the number of tantrums in the future.
Step 5
Do not try to stop screaming and crying by cardinal means: in no case should you beat, scream and push the child. This will only scare him, and the baby can withdraw into himself for a long time. Believe me, if a child is crying, it is already difficult for him, and it is at least unpedagogical to aggravate this condition.
Step 6
As worried as you are, try to speak to your child slowly and calmly. Explain to him that such his behavior is fundamentally wrong, and if with his hysterics the baby wants to achieve something, then he will come to his goal much faster if he dries up his tears and asks you “like a human being”.