A person is 70% water. The liquid leaves the body, so it needs to be replenished. The daily fluid intake for an infant is up to 180 mg per kilogram of weight. Water is necessary for the full functioning of the body, the process of heat exchange. Choosing drinks for a small child should be based on age, type of food, air temperature.

The World Health Organization advises mothers not to give babies under 6 months of age without any special medical indication if the baby is breastfed. The point is that breast milk is both food and drink. Children who are bottle-fed should receive water from the moment milk formula is added to the daily diet.
If you decide to supplement the baby, use baby bottled water for this, as it meets all hygienic requirements, it has a low level of mineralization. Before giving the baby a drink, be sure to smell the water, taste it.
If you don't have bottled water on hand, you can give your child boiled, chilled water that has been pre-filtered.
You can find children's tea on sale. This drink is fundamentally different from regular black tea. It contains many useful substances, thanks to which the walls of blood vessels, bones, teeth are strengthened. Such tea can be given to infants, but only if the package contains an inscription about the age limit. Sometimes pediatricians prescribe such drinks to babies, for example, if a child does not sleep well, he can make tea with lemon balm. Please note that the volume of the drink you drink should not exceed 100 ml.
Some mothers use juices as a drink. Juice is an allergenic product that can provoke the appearance of diathesis, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, this drink should be introduced into the diet gradually, not earlier than 8 months. At first, as a rule, clarified juices without pulp are used for drinking, at 10 months you can start introducing a drink with pulp.
If you're just trying juice, use a one-way juice, meaning a drink made from one type of vegetable or fruit, such as a green apple. Do not give your baby a large amount of the drink, start with 5 drops, gradually increasing the volume. Freshly squeezed juices can be given to children from 3 years old, until that time they should be diluted with water.
You can also give compote to a one-year-old child. But don't use sugar when preparing it! Morse and jelly can be given to a baby from the age of 3. It is better if the drinks are prepared at home.
If you want to give your child mineral water, use only table water. Preliminarily release gas bubbles from the water, for this, pour mineral water into a glass and leave for half an hour.
No more than 3 times a week, you can drink cocoa for a two-year-old child. This drink is rich in protein, vitamins. It is high in calories, so this drink is contraindicated for children prone to overweight.