How To Teach A Child To Drink From A Bottle

How To Teach A Child To Drink From A Bottle
How To Teach A Child To Drink From A Bottle

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Natural feeding is the best thing that nature has invented for the baby and the mother. But what if there is not enough milk, or if the mother needs to leave, leave, go to the hospital, attend classes at the institute, etc.? We'll have to introduce the baby to the bottle.

How to teach a child to drink from a bottle
How to teach a child to drink from a bottle


Step 1

There are stages in a child's development that are important for mastering key skills. During these periods, the baby learns to eat on his own, hold a cup, and refuses to sleep during the day. Try to make the first acquaintance of the baby with the bottle at a time favorable for innovations. Such a moment comes about four to six weeks after the birth of the baby, when the mother has already established lactation, but the baby is still ready to "accept" the bottle. Having missed the right time, it will be more difficult to accustom the child to it.

Step 2

Purchase a physiological bottle with nipple-like attachments. Today they are sold in any pharmacy. The rate of milk intake in them is rather low and the crumbs will have to “work hard” in order to get enough, just like during breastfeeding. To check the "correctness" of the purchased nipple, turn the bottle upside down. The liquid should not flow out of it in any way - neither in large drops, nor in small ones. The contents of the bottle should come out in frequent drops only when pressing on the expanding part of the nipple.

Step 3

The first acquaintance sometimes does not go very smoothly. The kid turns away, cries, insistently demanding breast. In this case, do not force it. Postpone the attempt for three to four days and then repeat the experiment again - until the baby gets used to it. Try to cheat a little - offer a bottle at night or early in the morning, while the baby is not yet fully awake. Some babies get in the way of taking her mom's smell, reminiscent of breastfeeding. Then let dad or someone else, for example, grandmother, offer the bottle to the baby.
