Happy are people who fall in love for many years, especially for life. But, alas, it is not uncommon for a loving couple to become weighed down by their relationship over time. Mutual claims and quarrels arise more and more often. And then the former lovers decide to leave. In order not to get into such a sad situation, you need to know how to keep love.

Step 1
Remember that both you and your partner are not sinless angels, but ordinary people who have both advantages and disadvantages. Do not expect too much from your partner and try to be condescending to his mistakes and oversights.
Step 2
Be self-critical. It is humanly natural and understandable that your opinion seems to you the most correct. The same goes for desires, tastes, habits. But it should not be considered an immutable truth, even when it comes to things in which you are really very good at understanding. In any situation, try to listen carefully to the opinion of your partner, find a reasonable compromise. And somewhere it will be better to give in.
Step 3
Always keep yourself in control, keep your dignity. Avoid using a derogatory, offensive tone with your loved one, even if you have reason to be angry with them. Paradoxically, but completely strangers are sometimes treated much more respectfully and tactfully than those close to them. But tactlessness, rudeness kill love.
Step 4
Recognize your loved one’s right to a personal space that cannot be invaded without permission. Be patient with his hobbies, hobbies, even if they are incomprehensible and disliked to you. Do not browse without asking his correspondence, the list of incoming and outgoing calls on your mobile phone. Do not demand that he devote every free minute only to you, because this is simply selfish.
Step 5
Praise more and criticize less. Sincerely thank your loved one for gifts and help. Remember the miraculous power of kind words and an affectionate smile.
Step 6
Watch your appearance, attractiveness. First of all, of course, this applies to women. But men must also go in for physical exercise, observe the rules of personal hygiene, monitor the condition of their hair, skin, nails. Your partner should be pleased to look at you.
Step 7
Engage in self-development, try to learn as much as possible, find yourself new hobbies. Otherwise, if your loved one knows everything about you, he may get bored with communicating with you.
Step 8
Do not neglect the intimate side of life, even if your relationship has lasted for many years. After all, dissatisfaction with sex is a common reason for chilling and cheating.