What To Give A Child

What To Give A Child
What To Give A Child

A gift for a child should not only bring joy, but also bring tangible benefits as possible. Approach the selection process creatively, with imagination, but do not forget to take into account the individual skills and abilities of the child and his age.

What to give a child
What to give a child

The gift must be needed. Find out what exactly the child loves, what he lacks, what he dreams of. Carefully ask your child or friends and family about this. When buying a gift, pay attention to the indication of the age for which this item is designed. As a rule, this information is located on the packaging or in the attached instructions. Children develop every minute, so try to make the gift allow it to develop harmoniously.

Children under one year old actively develop their senses - hearing, sight, touch. Wanting to make a gift for a kid of this age, give preference to bright simple or musical toys, rattles. During this period, children begin to erupt their teeth - present a special toy that the baby can chew on. Massaging and thus soothing the gums.

Children from one to three years old explore everything around them, get to know the world around them. A child in this period can clearly differentiate himself by gender. When choosing a gift, be sure to consider this. However, both boys and girls can safely be presented with simple constructors, bright books, cubes, balls, skittles, sand sets, toy animals.

Starting from the age of three, children are actively developing a role-based stereotype of behavior, they go in for sports, draw, learn to count, study letters. Coloring books, pencils, plasticine, funny alphabets, bicycles, etc. are suitable for everyone. Girls will love toy kitchens, dolls in outfits, and children's furniture. Boys can be presented with a constructor, role-playing set, cars.

At the age of 5-6, the child develops intuition and logic, he becomes calmer and more assiduous. A board collective game, a more serious book, a children's encyclopedia will be a great gift at this age.

From 6-7 years old, the child develops precise motor skills. The boy can already be given prefabricated models of various equipment. The girl will love sets for making doll outfits, toys, and jewelry on her own. Such things, as a rule, are collected under the guidance of elders, who impart the necessary skills to children in a playful way.

It is good for a 7–8 year old child to give sports equipment: badminton, darts, skis, roller skates or ice skates, swimming masks, etc. You can present binoculars or a telescope, school supplies, a subscription to an interesting magazine, various puzzles.

Boys of ten years old can be presented with simple camping accessories, fishing tackle, inexpensive cameras. Accessories and jewelry for girls. In the future, the assortment of gifts approaches the adult and is characterized mainly by the cost and complexity of the thing. A ticket to a concert or an unusual exhibition, or an interesting journey can be a wonderful gift from parents.

Remember that the gift should not contain substances hazardous to health - heavy metals, poisonous paints, hazardous polymers, fillers, etc. When making a purchase, familiarize yourself with the certificate, make sure that the goods comply with sanitary standards and that you have permission to sell it in the country.

Do not give small children sharp and glass objects, heavy things. Until the age of three, children should not be given anything that they can swallow. Eliminate festive pyrotechnics, carefully check the quality of manufacturing sports equipment. Refrain from donating violent games. Do not donate animals without prior agreement with the parents.
