Cooking on your own is always faster than with children or any other helpers, but you need to try to find time to cook lunch or dinner together, so that the child not only learns how to cook, but also enjoys communicating with parents and spending time in the kitchen.

It is not necessary to force the child to participate in the culinary process - he should develop an interest in what his mother is doing in the kitchen and a desire to help her. To begin with, you can give your child personal accessories - plates, a cutting board, cutlery. Let him observe your actions and try to repeat them.
Cooking food together has many benefits. A child who has been entrusted with participating in an important matter will feel self-confidence, self-confidence will be strengthened in him, which is important for all undertakings. While being together in the kitchen, you can explain how different devices can be dangerous, talk about the basics of safety, so as not to be afraid that in the absence of the parents, the child will want to prepare a culinary surprise for them.
Cooking various dishes will help teach your child patience, and so that the process is not routine, you can add educational notes to it - reading recipes or inscriptions on packages, memorizing the names of kitchen utensils or new products.
Observing various processes (from boiling water to melting chocolate), the child will be interested in how and why this happens - a great occasion to tell a little about physics.
The most positive thing about cooking together is the opportunity to spend time with your child, communicate with him, and see new emotions.
Before you teach your child to cook with you, you need to make sure that the workplace is as safe as possible, everything you need is close to the child. It is imperative to monitor everything that the child does, but at the same time, without much need not to interfere in the process, giving the opportunity to show independence and imagination.
If the child's age does not allow him to cook full-fledged meals, but he really wants to help his mother, you can start with simple things - washing vegetables or fruits, mixing some ingredients, cutting out cookies using molds.
After the joint culinary masterpiece is ready, you can set the table together - this dish will seem even tastier, and the child will be overwhelmed with emotions.