Is it worth spending money on some toys for a child under one year old, or can you develop it without them? What to choose from the variety of options available in stores? These questions have been relevant for more than a year, and many parents are faced with them every day. Since it is in the period from birth to the year of life that the baby is actively developing and learning about the world around him, he needs an adaptation for effective research.

This period is characterized by the fact that most of the kids are actively engaged exclusively in learning about the properties of various environmental objects. For any child, items of furniture, clothing, games and others are objects for research. How to improve the process of learning about the environment? To answer this question, a special toy was created that allows you to draw the baby's attention to yourself and ensure a good process of developing logic, motor functions and other specific skills.
What are the options for buying?
The main manufacturers of goods for children are Kiddieland, Simba, Chicco and some others, presenting a large and high-quality selection of devices for children's play, allowing in the process to acquire some useful skills and develop certain body functions. Here is a specific list of categories that are actively recommended by doctors and educators, in order not to get lost in the huge variety of products for children, as well as to get positive development trends.
Game tables
Recommended for children aged nine months or more. They are aimed at the development of the motor apparatus, and also help to make acquaintance with a variety of colors, numbers and animals.
Music boxes
For use, they are recommended for use from birth, since they are easy to use and well develop the hearing and attention of the child.
Here are some simple recommendations, guided by which, choosing a toy will be much easier:
1. It is necessary to be adequately aware of how old the child is, and based on this fact, to choose an object for the game. At the present time, all toys on the market are marked specifically by age, and if necessary, you can, after reading the instructions, determine whether this device is suitable for the baby or not.
2. Do not dwell on a subject with numerous small details.