Most of the fair sex are distinguished by their emotionality, which they "splash out" verbally, which they want from men. To get a girl interested in a conversation or, on the contrary, to “hide” from excessive female chatter, it is necessary to learn how to conduct a dialogue.

Step 1
Once you decide to ask a question or offer to talk, do it not monotonously or dryly, because the girl will quickly get bored with it. If you're telling a funny story, add some bright colors to the story. And if you want to grab the attention of an unfamiliar girl, identify the moments that unite you. At first, these are questions of fellowship or travel, the presence of older or younger brothers / sisters, raising puppies, kittens, fish or other animals, etc.
Step 2
Don't forget that girls love with their ears. Therefore, compliments and just kind words will be useful. Often, many conflicts can be avoided if you praise a girl for her efforts in time or tell her how much you love her. Of course, you shouldn't shower with compliments either, otherwise she will suspect something was wrong. For example, he will think that you have been guilty of something, and will begin to suspect of non-existent sins. However, do not miss the chance at least a couple of times a day to remind her how gentle she is (passionate, kind, charming, sweet, etc.).
Step 3
One of the most desirable gifts that life can give a woman is a man who knows how to listen. Due to their emotionality, women say a lot more words and interjections that knock a man out of his thoughts and as a result he simply falls silent, and the conversation turns into a monologue with active gestures and intonation outbursts. Even if you have lost the thread of the conversation, do not admit this to the girl, just say something streamlined, for example, "depending on which side you look at it" or "this question cannot be answered unequivocally."
Step 4
If she complains to you every day that she broke her heel or quarreled with colleagues, this does not mean that she decided to test your patience for strength. Moreover, you don't have to fix your heel right now or identify the abuser. With these complaints, the girl is trying to "tell" that she does not get your attention. Or she just thinks she is "keeping the conversation going." In such situations, you don't even need to say anything, just hug her so that she feels the missing attention and warmth.