Unfortunately, some people are insincere. They can pretend and play with the feelings of others for their own purposes. If you are unlucky enough to meet such a hypocritical person, know how to bring him to clean water.

Step 1
Analyze the current situation. If a person confesses his love to you, but at the same time does not know you at all as a person, most likely, with his ardent words, he is trying to achieve some of his goals. For example, some dishonest young people seek to gain the girl's favor by making too hasty confessions of great feeling. Don't be fooled. If a person physically did not have time to get to know you as a person, there can be no question of any true love.
Step 2
Consider the personality of the person who confesses his love to you. By how loyal, reliable and serious person is in front of you, you can judge the possible depth of her feelings. If this is a windy, amorous nature, perhaps with sweet words she deceives both you and herself. Do not judge such persons. The time will come and they will settle down. You just don't have to trust people like that.
Step 3
Pay attention to those non-verbal signals that the person sends you against their will. Look at his facial expressions, gestures. Notice if the tone of voice and expression in the eyes match the words the young man or woman is saying. On a subconscious level, a person who lies, gives himself away. A closed posture, a look to the side, too calm, confident and unemotional behavior in some cases may indicate that the person is trying to deceive you.
Step 4
Consider if the person might have a motive to use you for their own purposes. If your intuition tells you that this is not a completely sincere person, and at the same time you know that it is beneficial for her to fool you for some reason, then you have every reason to assume that they want to deceive you.
Step 5
Believe not the words, but the actions of the person. For example, if a young man confesses his love to you, but at the same time neglects you, forgets about his promises, very rarely calls, then he is deceiving you. When a girl swears love and devotion, and at the same time flirts with your friends, you should not trust her. Don't be overly naive. Judge the sincerity of a person's feelings for you, about his true attitude only by his deeds.
Step 6
Pay attention to exactly how the person declares his love. He can immediately blurt out what he expects from you in return. So you will understand that you have a manipulator in front of you. If you are not being told about a joint future and the desire to spend time together, but about quenching your passion or a trip to the sea at your expense, be on your guard.