Can There Be Feelings For Girls Of Easy Virtue

Can There Be Feelings For Girls Of Easy Virtue
Can There Be Feelings For Girls Of Easy Virtue

Anything can happen in life, and situations are quite common in which men are carried away by girls, to put it mildly, of easy virtue. Are these feelings just the result of a strong sexual desire, or can something serious grow out of them? Is a relationship with such a girl doomed to fail?

Can there be feelings for girls of easy virtue
Can there be feelings for girls of easy virtue

On the topic of love for a girl who is not burdened with excessive moral principles, books have been written, songs have been sung about her, and many TV series and feature films have been shot. Perhaps the most famous of them - "Pretty Woman" - tells the viewer that even an intellectual millionaire can have deep warm feelings in relation to the "night butterfly". But what about in real life?

Is it possible the origin of feelings for a girl of easy virtue?

The average man with a fairly high degree of probability can be carried away by a "call girl". These girls are often very attractive; in addition, the rich experience of communicating with the most diverse representatives of the stronger sex inevitably turns such girls into good psychologists. They intuitively sense which demeanor will be most attractive to this particular young person. That is why a man can get the impression that this girl is not just his mistress for one night, but the very “half” that he has been looking for all his life.

It's great if a girl will be able to share the man's warm feelings for her and will be able to reciprocate them, but if not? After all, she has seen many different young people in her life and is unlikely to harbor illusions about the fact that you can meet some "special" man. Will she want to leave the profession for the sake of a man in love with her? Will a man himself be able to come to terms with the past of his beloved? Will an ex-girlfriend of easy virtue turn out to be a faithful life companion and a good mother?

Is there a future for a relationship with a girl of easy virtue?

Of course, anything can happen in life. Former "moths" can really turn into loving wives and caring mothers. In addition, the intimate side of family life with such women is usually so wonderful that it would never occur to a man to look for diversity somewhere on the side. But a negative development of events in a relationship with such a girl cannot be ruled out.

There are three main reasons that induce a girl to engage in prostitution. Two of them - someone's compulsion and a catastrophic lack of money - somehow explain why she was forced to choose such a profession for herself. But often young ladies with some deviations in the field of sexual behavior, or, more simply, nymphomaniacs, become girls of easy virtue. One man will never be enough for such a girl, and no matter how hard she tries to remain faithful to him, their union is doomed in any case.

In fact, any relationship between two people is unique, and you should not try to fit it into any pre-existing scenario. True love overcomes everything, and hardly a girl's dissolute life before meeting her beloved should become an obstacle to the happiness of two.
