What Leads A Person To Sexual Arousal

What Leads A Person To Sexual Arousal
What Leads A Person To Sexual Arousal

There is a certain set of sexual stimuli of the visual, tactile, auditory series, or their combinations, which lead a healthy person of puberty to sexual arousal.

What leads a person to sexual arousal
What leads a person to sexual arousal

Excitatory factors for men and women

Erotic stimuli for each person are individual, as well as taste preferences. One needs to feel a certain smell for sexual arousal, while the other needs to see a certain image. The third is excited from one memory of the subject of passion, and the fourth needs to watch a film for adults from the XXX category.

Scientists have done a lot of research to find out what affects the sexual arousal of men and women. It turned out that the degree of interest on the part of both sexes is practically the same, but the preferences are very different. Men prefer simple visual images, while women prefer fantasy and emotional images. Simply put, the stronger sex is excited by the sight of naked bodies, and the weaker sex is excited by watching melodramas.

This is, of course, a very exaggerated conclusion, but it correctly reflects the main direction leading to arousal. As is clear, the truth has been confirmed that men love with their eyes, and women - with their ears.

How to increase your partner's sexual arousal

Oddly enough, but the intellectual development of a person and his emotional state affect sexual arousal. But to a greater extent, the threshold of excitability depends on the physical condition.

And here the reaction of men and women is somewhat different. For both sexes, sex is a kind of pain reliever, since blood flow, when aroused, comes to the groin area, relieving inflammation from other areas of the body. But the difference is that men switch to sex faster, so they rarely have a headache. Women, on the other hand, cover themselves with headaches in order to avoid marital duty.

In this case, a man should remember the strong influence of emotions on the degree of sexual arousal of his lady. If he shows a little patience and tells about his feelings for his beloved and about her desire as an object of passion, he will soon be rewarded. He has a great chance to make his woman more temperamental and less burdened with headaches.

The better a couple has a sexual relationship, the higher the degree of arousal. Here the memory of mutual pleasure is connected, these mental images almost constantly "warm up" the partners' interest in sex. Men more often remember what their beloved looked like, and women scroll emotionally sensual images in their heads.
