Treating a newborn's nose is a daily hygiene procedure that must be performed correctly. It serves as an excellent prevention against the occurrence of various diseases.

Cotton wool, vegetable oil, cotton buds with a stopper, special medicines for rinsing the nose
Step 1
If you have recently become a mother, remember that the health of your baby will depend on how competently you carry out daily hygiene procedures. Treat the newborn's nose daily. Be sure to carry out this procedure immediately after the baby wakes up, and then, if necessary, repeat it also in the evening.
Step 2
To clean a newborn's nose, wash your hands with soap and water. Remember to touch your baby only with clean hands. Next, take two pieces of cotton wool, moisten them in warm boiled water or warmed olive oil, squeeze, twist them into turunda, which are ordinary cotton filaments. They shouldn't be too thin. Otherwise, their use will not lead to the desired result.
Step 3
Insert the prepared turundochka in turn into each nostril and remove it with rotational movements. In doing so, remember that a separate cotton cord must be used for each nostril. If a one-time cleaning is not enough, and there is still mucus in the spout, clean it again using other turunda for this.
Step 4
For processing the newborn's nose, you can also use special small cotton swabs with a limiter. At the same time, be careful, as with excessive activity of the baby and inept use of sticks, you can cause unpleasant sensations to the newborn.
Step 5
If your baby's nose is clogged with dry crusts, you should soften them first and then clear the nasal passages. Use one of the specialty medicines available from your pharmacy to do this. The most popular of them are Aquamaris, Physiomer, Salin. These products are made on the basis of sea salt and represent a normal saline solution.
Step 6
If a newborn has profuse nasal discharge, be sure to consult with your local pediatrician. Perhaps he will prescribe special drops for the child to prevent colds.