Young parents are especially prone to various fears when it comes to their baby. The first year of the baby's life becomes a real test not only for him, but also for his caring and loving mom and dad. During this time, they constantly ask themselves what the child should be able to do when he is one year old.

After the long-awaited holiday, when all close relatives and friends gather to celebrate the baby's first birthday, caring parents begin to take stock of the past year. During this time, many pleasant and exciting events have happened. However, considerate mums and dads continue to worry. It was during this period that they ask themselves questions: what should a child be able to do in a year, whether he is lagging behind in development.
One year old skills
It is worth noting that all children are different, so they develop at their own individual pace. For each baby, the development of their capabilities occurs at different times. However, on average, a child should be able to:
- stand without support;
- crawl actively (some children skip the crawling stage, instead they start walking right away);
- walk with adult support or on your own;
- get to your feet, squat and straighten;
- climb onto a sofa, armchair, bed and go down to the floor;
- open and close boxes, cans and be able to put toys in them;
- play with various objects (dishes, hats, shoes, etc.);
- imitate the actions of adults and peers (digging holes in the sand, clapping, knocking, "combing", etc.;
- take small objects with your hands (eraser, buttons, etc.).
Various changes also occur in the emotional and social development of the baby at this age. So, a one-year-old child should be able to:
- recognize loved ones;
- be alert or cry when a stranger appears;
- show your emotions: hug mom and dad, your favorite toy, kiss them;
- leaf through books on their own, indicate at the request of parents on a particular picture;
- enjoy fun games and new toys;
- express your dissatisfaction with the help of facial expressions (crying, screaming, squeaking);
- with interest to look at your reflection in the mirror, to make faces.
During this period, experts also recommend paying attention to the speech development of the baby. In a year, a child should be able to understand speech and actively respond to it: repeat after peers the words that he knows; imitate adults, repeating new words after them; fulfill the simplest requests, for example, “put”, “give”, “open”, “bring”, etc.; understand the meaning of the word "cannot"; know your name and react to it; to recognize the objects around him and, at the request of the parents, point to them.
Tips for young parents
Many parents worry that their child should be able to do so much a year, but in fact the baby knows only a few words, can hardly walk and still requires a pacifier. There is no need to worry: each baby has its own pace of development, and within a few months he will catch up with his peers and even become an example for them to follow.
Starting from a year, you can teach a child to a certain daily routine, however, you need to constantly remember that at this age the baby is very active and therefore gets tired quickly. It is recommended to walk with him at least twice a day for 1, 5-2 hours. During the day, the baby sleeps less often, usually at one year old he needs to be put to bed only once, not counting the night's sleep. If a child is forbidden to do something, then this prohibition should always be in effect, and not change along with the mood of the parents.