How To Identify An Indigo Baby

How To Identify An Indigo Baby
How To Identify An Indigo Baby

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It is possible to define an indigo child by its characteristic features, but it is easy to make a mistake, because this deviation is very similar to others - autism or hyperactivity. But a more accurate definition of the mental state of a baby can only be given by a psychiatrist, independent arguments are only an assumption. One thing is clear, if you notice any deviations in the behavior of your child, visit the doctor immediately, while it is still possible to somehow correct it. Indigo is not a disease, but a special state of the nervous system and a specific reaction of the brain to occurring phenomena.

How to identify an indigo baby
How to identify an indigo baby


Step 1

Indigo children are mostly impulsive and overly active. They cause a lot of problems for parents, as they manage to do everything at once, for example, to break something, drop something, or simply behave inappropriately. Hyperactivity interferes with the normal concentration of attention on one thing, they do not get along well with peers and do their own thing. Also, they do not always join the team and try to avoid close friendly contacts with other kids.

Step 2

Less often, children are calm and thoughtful, but this phenomenon does not always have a deviation similar to indigo, more often it is autism. But it is known that it is easier for doctors to put it as the main diagnosis than indigo, which is incomprehensible to Russian doctors and distant name. Be careful, if your child has been diagnosed with autism, it is better to undergo additional examination with another specialist, because psychiatrists can be wrong.

Step 3

From five to fourteen years old, the child's brain is not yet ready to perceive all the information, but since both halves of the brain are well developed in indigo children, they are forced to process it. More often at this age, nervous breakdowns, unwillingness to learn and hatred of the people around occur. Psychosomatic abnormalities can be corrected with medications, which must be selected by the doctor individually, depending on the symptomatology.

Step 4

You may notice that a child can write equally well with both hands, since both hemispheres of the brain are active. This does not apply to left-handed people, but only to those children who can do various jobs equally well with both hands. It is not difficult for them to write a math test with their left hand, and a dictation in Russian with their right hand is not fundamental for them.

Step 5

Indigo children resemble crossed operating systems for computers - Windows and Linux. In other words, they can do almost anything. Deviations in the work of the nervous system, although there are a place to be, but more often children, on the contrary, are extremely smart and quick-witted, they remember a lot of information.

Step 6

If you, at least once, had a situation when a child learned a verse literally in a second, and after another moment he safely forgot it, but after five minutes he remembered without looking at the textbook, it means that his two halves of the brain are active - he is indigo. During the period of switching from one hemisphere to another, children remember one thing and forget about the other, and in the next five minutes they can reproduce what they forgot and forget what they remembered. And so regularly.

Step 7

For any deviations, you should visit a psychiatrist. After the results of computed tomography of the brain, taking tests and other manipulations, the child will be diagnosed. But remember, indigo is not like schizophrenia or other mental health problems. Your child is completely healthy and smart, but only with his own characteristics. Such children study in general education schools, play with ordinary children. Sometimes they become geeks. It's just that while the brain is not yet fully developed, the child needs to be protected from a strong flow of information, otherwise he will have a "reboot" of the brain, and the baby will temporarily lose some of the information.
