A kind and caring child is the pride of parents. It is quite possible to raise a baby kind and attentive towards other people, but this should be done from early childhood.

Step 1
Explain to your child why some actions are good and others are bad. Have a conversation about kindness, friendship, and compassion. Tell him that there are good and bad people and that being kind is much more pleasant. But remember that all conversations will be useless without the personal example of the parents. The kid should see that you care about each other, sincerely sympathize with the victims and try to help them to the best of your ability.
Step 2
Read instructive stories, poems and fairy tales to your child, where the main character does good deeds and protects the weak, good always wins, and villains are punished. Watch old Soviet cartoons with your baby, which clearly reveal the themes of friendship and kindness.
Step 3
Communication with pets has a very beneficial effect on the upbringing and development of positive character traits in children. When the baby grows up, entrust him with caring for your pet. Besides kindness and friendship, caring for a pet can help build a sense of responsibility and compassion in your child. If living conditions do not allow you to keep animals at home, take your child to a shelter where stray dogs and cats live and take patronage over one of the pets.
Step 4
Be sure to praise your baby for doing something good or helping other people. Do not lose sight of bad actions, too, be sure to tell your child that you are upset by this behavior and explain why this should not be done.
Step 5
Hug and kiss your children often, they need to feel affection, love and care of their parents. The child should be sure that mom and dad will always come to their aid if necessary. In families where kindness to each other is valued, children are less likely to grow up angry and aggressive. Therefore, if you want to raise a good and kind child, do not skimp on positive actions and emotions yourself!