Abstraction As A Process Of Cognition

Abstraction As A Process Of Cognition
Abstraction As A Process Of Cognition

Cognition plays an important role, both for the individual and for humanity as a whole. And the process of cognition is based on the ability to abstract. Abstraction allows you to look at everything from the outside.

Abstraction from reality
Abstraction from reality


Cognition is an important part of human life. A person learns the world around him, feelings, life itself. Since ancient times, people have sought to learn about nature, space, any phenomena of life on Earth.

A person is interested in everything - flower petals, a bird fluttering in the sky, ocean waves, other planets. The striving for knowledge is a natural human quality.

The desire to know the world prompted humanity to create more and more new tools and household items. The desire for knowledge led to the creation and development of civilization.

The process of cognition would not be so interesting without abstraction. With the help of abstraction, ancient people tried to see from the side the Earth and space, as well as the role of humanity in this world.

Abstraction in everyday life

Abstraction allows a person to see from the outside not only the events taking place and the surrounding reality, but also himself. It allows you to see your actions and your behavior from a different angle, helps you understand your aspirations and the reasons for certain actions.

To abstract means to see reality as a spectator, to feel oneself outside of all events. With this approach, emotional dependence on what is happening is removed. New facets open up to a person, which he did not notice before.

Abstracting the problem appears in a different light. It becomes possible to see the situation from all sides. And therefore comes an understanding of why this happened, and how to fix this situation.

For example, a difficult situation has arisen that urgently needs to be resolved. The person involved in the problem does not see possible solutions. He thinks he is at an impasse. Abstracting from the problem, a person will understand how to act in this situation.

The role of abstraction

Abstraction helps a person to fully cognize himself, the world, and everything that interests him. And most importantly, abstraction allows you to know the essence of life on Earth, the mystery of the universe, to know your own role in this life.

Abstraction as a conscious process of cognition and self-knowledge is inherent in a person who has realized himself as a person. On the other hand, small children also sometimes talk about themselves from a third person, as if observing themselves from the side. Perhaps for children, the process of abstraction is unconscious. And to some extent, for them, it is a self-defense mechanism.

Thus, abstraction for a person is a key property of knowing the world and life. It allows you to most fully cognize reality. And this property is inherent in man by nature itself.
