How To Communicate With A Vulnerable Person

How To Communicate With A Vulnerable Person
How To Communicate With A Vulnerable Person

Table of contents:


Some people take everything too close to heart, so if you want to communicate closely with them, you must understand that you need to find a special approach to them.

How to communicate with a vulnerable person
How to communicate with a vulnerable person


Step 1

Vulnerable people have an increased sensitivity of the psyche. They take many things too seriously. Psychologists characterize such people in different ways. Someone considers them weak-willed and weak-willed, unable to stand up for themselves, and someone associates such behavior with a huge supply of vitality. In any case, the attitude towards such people should be special.

Step 2

When dealing with a vulnerable person, you must choose your words and expressions carefully so as not to hurt him. In no case should you speak negatively about his behavior, work or any things that concern him. If you are unhappy with something, try to convey it to the vulnerable person using the most neutral terms. Instead of telling him, “You did not do your job well. Your mistake lies in … ", you can say:" You, of course, tried and did an excellent job with the task, but I would like to see in your work also … ".

Step 3

Remember that vulnerable people don't know how to take jokes, so you shouldn't allow yourself to joke at him. If it does happen, just sincerely ask for forgiveness and promise that this will never happen again. Vulnerable people, although very touchy, are still quick-witted.

Step 4

In addition, vulnerable people sometimes worry about the fact that people show little attention to their person. If you do not notice them, but are carried away by a conversation with someone else, such people begin to feel useless and worthless. Try to avoid ignoring your friends who are overly sensitive. You must let them know that they are needed and important to you. If this cannot be done, explain to the person that he should not feel himself the center of the universe and expect from others that he will be carried in his arms.

Step 5

If you do not want to put up with the fact that a person is very vulnerable, you can help him overcome this difficulty. Try to instill confidence in your friend, point out to him the strengths of his character. Praise him more often for various achievements and successes and be gentle with failures, support him in any endeavors. Make it clear to the person that he should not take everything too close to his heart and worry about any nonsense. In life, he will be met by different people, and not everyone will behave tactfully, so you need to fight with excessive sensitivity.
