Why Kindergarten Is Useful

Why Kindergarten Is Useful
Why Kindergarten Is Useful

"From kindergarten, my baby is of little use. He plays all day." This is what most parents say, not at all understanding that it is in games and entertainment in a large company that kids learn the most important thing - social behavior.

Why kindergarten is useful
Why kindergarten is useful

Children from three to six years of age formulate attitudes that determine their behavior with neighbors, help and mercy, consideration with others, and at the same time defending their own interests. It goes without saying that the basis of behavior in society is also laid in the family. Meeting with other children in kindergarten, or other schools, kids learn to join the group, to keep up with everyone. This rather difficult process can take years.


“Can I play with you?” In kindergarten, new relationships are formed every day, children gather in a company to play, learn to declare their wishes and easily endure refusals.

Group behavior

Joint games pose a couple of requirements for the kids at once: they need to share roles, get used to each other, help others, solve problems. For three years now, children can help one alone to cope with some of their children's problems: to fold a toy, build a castle. In this case, everyone must be able to express their thoughts and desires. The better speech children have, the easier they will get closer to each other.

Understanding and adhering to general rules

You will need it for any type of game. Understanding all the rules and skillfully using them is an important step in the mental and social development of a child. For example, even small children remember the game of hide and seek. Role-playing games begin to be liked only from the age of four.

The ability to hold onto your wishes

This is very difficult for children in kindergarten. Even five year olds can have a problem queuing up and waiting for her to come. Little children overcome disappointment with great difficulty: having lost in something, they immediately discharge themselves with tears. Schoolchildren are already able to cope with disappointment.


Not being the constant center of attention is completely unusual for many. They have to become part of the group in order to gain recognition.

Children learn correct social behavior initially through their own experiences and experiences. Educators create a background for the gaming experience, help in case of conflict, explain how to be in a particular situation. And they should be an example, because all children are very observant.
