Most often, the problem of determining the child's inclinations arises before parents when they choose an institution where their son or daughter will study. Send your kid to a specialized kindergarten or a regular one, choose an art school, enroll a child in a "music school" or in an English language club? Therefore, it is so important to understand what the child has inclinations for.

Step 1
Geniuses are extremely rare. Usually, a child is born only with inclinations (for example, a flexible musculoskeletal system is a good deposit for gymnastics or dancing), which, under the careful guidance of adults, turn into abilities. Therefore, it is important that the child can try himself in all areas of activity. After all, if you have never written poetry with your baby, how can you understand if he has the ability to do this?
Step 2
At an early age, the process of identifying the child's inclinations falls on the shoulders of his closest relatives, who spend all the time with him - mothers, fathers, grandmothers, possibly nannies. In this situation, only observation will help you. Study the results of the baby's creative activity, discuss this with friends who have children of the same age, watch what games your baby chooses - whether he prefers to run or play word games. The main thing is that a child at this age has a choice of what to play, what kind of creative activity to engage in: draw, kick a ball or sing along to a fashionable singer.
Step 3
The older the child becomes, the more time he spends outside the home, not under the supervision of loved ones. To determine the inclinations of a child at an older age, it is better to resort to the help of teachers and child psychologists. They will be able to offer him complex tests, which will evaluate his intellectual, academic, leadership, motor and creative abilities, as well as possible potential. The kid will be asked a series of questions, asked to draw a fantastic animal, repeat the movement, and based on his answers, they will tell you in which field of activity he is more likely to succeed.
Step 4
However, not all abilities can be identified using tests. Therefore, it would be nice for parents to keep a special diary in which they would describe the development of their baby, indicate the games that give him the greatest pleasure, note the discoveries made by the baby, keep his drawings and crafts. With complete information and the support of a teacher, you will not lose sight of your child's addictions.