The famous journalist and TV presenter Dmitry Dibrov has a reputation as a very amorous man, and the whole country is tirelessly discussing his personal life. Interestingly, Dibrov himself does not consider himself a heartthrob. He claims that all his novels were based solely on love, and he married only those women whom he could imagine next to him until the end of his life.

To understand which women Dmitry Dibrov prefers, you need to go through his love biography and remember all the companions of the popular TV presenter.
Personal life of Dmitry Dibrov
Dmitry Dibrov had four official marriages. In the first two, he had a son, Denis, and a daughter, Lada. Dmitry met his first wife Elvira when he was 21 years old. The girl was two years younger than him. They got married when Dmitry was 23, and their marriage lasted three years. The marriage with his second wife, Olga Dibrova, lasted seven years.
Dibrov's third wife, Alexander Shevchenko, was 26 years younger than him. The official marriage with her lasted less than a year. The couple divorced in January 2009, and in March Dmitry married Polina Nagradova. Now the couple live in a country house and are raising two sons.
What kind of women does Dmitry Dibrov like?
All women of Dmitry Dibrov are young, with good figures, spectacular and able to stay in society. The facial features of the former passions of the TV presenter are correct, expressive: everyone has an attractive face oval, beautiful big eyes, seductive lips. In conversations about his former passions, Dmitry repeatedly mentioned that they conquered him at first glance with their beauty and grace.
The last two passions of the TV presenter are much younger than him: Dmitry's penultimate wife was 26 years younger, and the age difference with his current wife is 31 years. Dibrov himself does not hide his attitude towards women of mature age: in his opinion, many of them are not able to approach relationships with the sincerity and passion that should be present in a married couple, since they are hindered by the negative experience of the past.
Another common feature of all Dibrov's women, both former and present, which immediately catches the eye, is a charming smile and liveliness in her eyes. In any photo, each of his companions smiles so sincerely and openly that it immediately becomes clear how she managed to win the heart of this esthete. Moreover, all Dibrov's women look natural - none of them looks like a cold "doll" with impeccable makeup, but without a lively shine in their eyes.
At the same time, it should be noted that in his interviews Dmitry repeatedly mentioned the main purpose of a woman, which is to have children. Although the TV presenter is not at all opposed to a woman making a career or engaging in creative activities, first of all she should be a good wife and mother.
So, it is quite obvious that Dibrov would not choose a partner as his life partner, who seeks to create a brilliant career, and thinks about creating a family and children last. Therefore, we can say with almost complete confidence that Dmitry Dibrov likes women not only beautiful and self-confident, but at the same time aware of their feminine origin and ready to fully realize themselves in the family.