Death is one of the most unexplored and mysterious topics in human life. No one has yet returned from there to tell the living what actually awaits a person after the end of his earthly life. But to some questions related to the process of dying and the feelings of a person at this moment, doctors and scientists provide answers.

Step 1
According to scientists, often a person can realize the moment of death, since after the cessation of oxygen supply to the brain, it takes about 10-15 seconds to lose consciousness.
Step 2
Being in the water always comes with a certain risk, even if the person is a professional swimmer. According to statistics, only one third of all drowned people did not know how to swim or were not confident enough on the water. The main cause of drowning accidents is panic, as a result of which a person begins to move erratically in the water. Very rarely, drowning people call for help; it simply does not occur to a person who instinctively tries to draw more air into the lungs. When a person is immersed in water, panic only grows, he tries to keep air in his lungs, as a result of which, after 30-40 seconds, a convulsive exhalation and inhalation occurs, along with which water enters the respiratory tract. After that, the person feels a burning pain in the chest and a feeling as if the lungs are about to explode, this indicates that the water has blocked the airways. After a while, the person calms down, loses consciousness and dies as a result of a lack of oxygen.
Step 3
Those unfortunate enough to suffer a serious open wound that caused blood loss can be divided into two categories: fast death and slow death. In a few seconds, a person can die with bleeding if his aorta, the main blood vessel of the body, is damaged. In this case, the person almost instantly loses consciousness and dies. The second category can be called more successful if medical assistance arrives in time, because if another vein or artery is damaged, it may take several hours until death. At first, a person begins to experience weakness, shortness of breath and thirst, but when the blood loss exceeds two liters, the victim experiences dizziness and soon loses consciousness.
Step 4
One of the most popular methods of suicide and, in the past, executions. As in the previous case, the victims of this type of death can be divided into two categories: strangulation and fracture of the cervical vertebrae. In the first case, the rope squeezes the trachea and arteries, as a result of which oxygen stops flowing to the brain. Death can occur in a matter of seconds, but if the knot on the rope is not tied correctly, the agony will last for several minutes. In the second example, if the length of the rope allows, when falling under the weight of his own body, a person breaks his neck and death occurs instantly.