It happens that yesterday a warm and passionate relationship seemed like a fairy tale, but today you feel one alienation, coldness and pessimism. But this is a natural stage that almost every couple goes through and which can be successfully overcome.

Causes of coldness in relationships
If there are no compelling reasons for breaking off relations, then psychologists call such a period in a relationship "cold." It is characterized by coldness, lack of interest in each other, apathy, dissatisfaction, discontent, etc. The only explanation for this is the extinction of feelings. Their rehabilitation should be dealt with at this stage, because later, nothing will save the relationship, and then, in the end, the break is inevitable.
First of all, there is no need to be intimidated, because any relationship experiences ups and downs. If your partner is dear to you, try to take it calmly and wisely. Don't panic or take on the evil in the second half. A much greater effect can be achieved if this time is used to build qualitatively new relationships, raising them to a higher level.
Start with yourself, do not dwell on the existing problem. Take an example from men, they are less painful to experience troubles in relationships, tk. go headlong into work. Try to transfer all your negative emotions into music, sports, books, or drawing. Do something that can please you and make you forget about problems. Try to find positive moments in everything that surrounds you.
Prevention of alienation in relationships
If a "cold" period has come in your relationship, feel free to embark on an exciting journey together. You can drive to places full of shared memories, or visit the country where you spent your honeymoon. Go together to your favorite places, remember the history of acquaintance, try to enjoy every second spent together. This will help bring back or refresh your senses.
Don't turn into boring people and don't degrade. Try not to stay at home, often go with your friends to the theater, cinema, museums, or just for a walk around the city. Avoid routine by any means, invite guests, throw parties. As often as possible, visit the places where you were together in the first days of your acquaintance, where you met or confessed your love to each other. Come up with your little holidays: First Confession Day or First Kiss Day.
Do not skimp on caresses, kisses and hugs. Frequent touching brings you closer together. Say warm words to each other more often and show your admiration for your partner. Also, you should not punish a man with a lack of intimacy, because this can provoke treason, and then the gap is inevitable.
Be different. A woman should be, first of all, a mystery. Change your image, experiment with hairstyle, makeup, clothing style. Ask your partner more often what attracts him in your image, what he would like.
Never remember past quarrels, reproaches and offenses, learn to forgive, forget and start life from scratch. This is the main secret of family happiness and harmony.