One of the most important events in the life of any person is the birth of a child. From the moment of his birth, the life of the parents becomes very stressful, she is entirely devoted to caring for the child.

Try to have as many diapers on hand as possible. Sensitive skin care also requires special wipes. Keep track of the size of the diapers, in the first months it will have to be changed quite often. When caring for your baby, never leave your baby unattended, for example, on the changing table - he may suddenly roll over and fall off of it. Train yourself not to remove your hand from the child and always be in contact with him.
Health and nutrition
Decide how you will breastfeed or formula feed your baby. Some parents choose the combined option, you can consult the appropriate specialists on feeding issues. For all questions regarding the health of the child, always contact your pediatrician, never self-medicate. When caring for your baby, make sure you always have a thermometer in your home in case of illness. If his body temperature rises above 38 degrees, call a doctor immediately.
Prepare your baby's sleeping area carefully. The crib or cradle should be completely fenced off, be sure to remove all toys, including soft ones, there should be no pillows or blankets. All of these items can lead to suffocation. Only put your baby to sleep on a hard surface, such as a hard mattress.