In the third trimester of pregnancy, it is already possible to prepare a room for a newborn. It is better to arrange furniture so that there is free movement.

Before the birth of a child, parents-to-be should prepare a room for him, if possible. Or you need to separate the corner where all the personal belongings of the baby will be located. It is advisable to choose a place that is illuminated, and so that there are no drafts. Conveniently accommodate crib, care table and cabinet. Pre-make gyneral cleaning throughout the apartment.
With the appearance of a crib in the house, it is necessary to rinse it well with warm water and soap and wipe it once a week for further cleanliness. The mattress must be covered with a hard one so that the small body does not bend (at this time the child's skeleton is not strong). The pillow is not needed at first; instead, you can lay a clean diaper. Many parents hang a canopy on the crib for beauty, it is not so important to do this, without it the air will be cleaner, more light and sun rays will fall, and this is necessary for the baby. It is not recommended to lay the baby next to you in order to avoid the ingress of microbes on the delicate skin.
In case of contamination of clothes, it is necessary to wash the laundry immediately, separately from an adult. It is best to use soap in the wash. Drying is much better and safer in the fresh air and then ironing well.
Parents are happy with the appearance of the child and try not only to caress and kiss him, this is not worth doing, at first you can get by with beautiful words.
Pacifiers and feeding bottles require a lot of care during this period. To warn the baby against infections, these things must be boiled. If your child is crying, this does not mean that he is asking for a dummy. Most likely, he did not eat or his tummy hurts and gases have collected in him.
If you are starting to clean your children's room, you should know that it should only be damp so that dust does not scatter throughout the room. Ventilate your baby's sleeping place as often as possible.
It is recommended to bathe the baby daily, but only after the navel has healed. Until that time, the child must be wiped off. Bathing for the first month without soap and shampoos. In the future, you will be able to find a suitable line of bathroom accessories for him. The nasal and ear passages must be cleaned with cotton swabs dipped in oil or petroleum jelly so as not to cause pain to the baby.
Each parent should know that it is not worth listening to other people's advice, all children are different and each of them requires special care.