Nasal breathing is a very important parameter. And any violations of it lead to rather unpredictable consequences. One of the most common problems one may encounter is a runny nose. And it only seems that he is harmless. A clogged nose leads to a myriad of health problems.

To avoid troubles - the development of otitis media, sinusitis and even meningitis - you need to carefully monitor your nose. When the nasal passages become clogged, their defenses are reduced. Viruses get on the mucous membrane, which lead to the development of infectious diseases.
Normally, the body itself knows when and how to cleanse the nasal passages. To do this, he actively uses mucus, which is normally present in small quantities in the nasopharynx. It washes away all impurities from the surface of the mucous membrane. In case the situation is more neglected, i.e. there are too many impurities, the body tries to cope with them with the help of a regular sneeze.
It is worth distinguishing between the usual sneezing for cleaning the passages from that which occurs at the onset of the disease. A sneeze that just clears the nose is one-off, unless you are in a dusty room.
However, it is best to take care of yourself and take extra steps to clear your nasal passages.
How to clear your nasal passages
One of the best and fairly simple ways to clear your nose is to use sea water. Today it is widely represented in pharmacies in completely different forms of release (sprays, drops) and dosages. You can choose any suitable option. It is enough just to spray or drip the product into the nose to clear the passages. You can repeat as many times as you like. such a procedure does not harm the body.
Alternatively, you can resort to more conservative methods that are used in fairly advanced cases. The so-called "cuckoo" cleans the nose very effectively. This device is partly reminiscent of a watering can, partly a teapot with a spout.
To rinse your nose with it, you first need to prepare a special solution. Take a glass of water, warm it up to body temperature. You can't take a hot one, you will burn the mucous membranes. Mix half a teaspoon of salt (it is better to take sea salt) and the same amount of baking soda. Pour the mixture into water and stir thoroughly. You can opt out of adding baking soda if you wish.
Pour the resulting solution into a kettle. Then take it, insert the spout shallowly into the nostril, tilt the baby's head towards the free nostril and start pouring water. It should come out of the other nostril, so during the procedure, the child should not breathe too deeply. Then repeat with the other nostril.
Instead of a cuckoo, you can use a mini enema or a regular teapot. Just do not try to stick the tip deep inside, you can injure the mucous membrane.
Sometimes experts recommend saying "ku" when carrying out this procedure on the exhale. This allows the jet to be directed in the desired direction. Hence the name of the apparatus "cuckoo".
What to consider when rinsing your nose
Experts recommend rinsing your nose strictly over a sink or basin. First, it is impossible to predict how much mucus will be washed out. Secondly, you don't want to waste time on cleaning later.
If you don't have salt on hand and you need to rinse your nose, you can do it with water alone. However, keep in mind that there may be strange sensations.
If the child has a nasal congestion, which, moreover, does not go away for a long time, despite all the measures taken, consult a doctor.