How To Instill Nasal Drops For Young Children

How To Instill Nasal Drops For Young Children
How To Instill Nasal Drops For Young Children

When a child develops a runny nose, it is advisable to use nasal drops. In addition to choosing the right drug, it is important to learn how to properly instill drops in the nose of a small child.

How to instill nasal drops for young children
How to instill nasal drops for young children

The choice of the drug and its use

A doctor should pick up drops for a small child. Only a specialist will be able to determine the true nature of a common cold in a child, whether it be of a viral, bacterial or allergic nature. Together with nasal drops, pipettes must be bought at the pharmacy, if the bottle with the drug does not have a special dropper cap. It is necessary to apply drops very carefully, since exceeding the dosage can provoke poisoning.

Rules for instilling nasal drops for children

You can bury drops in a child in a half-sitting position, sitting with your head thrown back and lying down. It is better to carry out the procedure in conjunction with an assistant who will hold the arms, legs and head of the baby. Before performing the manipulation, you should check on the bottle label which drops have been taken, wash your hands thoroughly. If you need to use a pipette, first pour boiling water over it. Prepare two to three balls of clean cotton wool immediately.

It is recommended to warm the drops immediately before using. For these purposes, you can hold them a little in your hands. If the drops are in a large bottle, take a container (for example, a teaspoon), and then dip it in highly heated water. Pour a few drops of the preparation into a heated spoon, so that they receive the necessary warmth from it. This procedure must be performed extremely carefully so as not to overheat the medicine, which can lose its qualities from exposure to high temperatures.

For instillation, 2-3 drops of the drug will be enough, so you should not fill the pipette completely, in order to avoid overdose. Draw up the required volume, and then make sure that the drops do not flow into the rubber part, for this hold the pipette vertically.

Technique for instilling nasal drops in young children

Pre-clean the baby's nasal passages with a small syringe. Draw up the required amount of product in a pipette. While instilling the right half of the nose, tilt the baby's head to the left and vice versa.

Inject two or three drops into the nose, while trying not to touch the nasal passage with a pipette, so as not to cause painful sensations if the baby makes a very sharp movement.

Leave the baby's head in the same position for thirty seconds so that the drug is evenly distributed over the nasal mucosa.
