What Drops To Treat A Runny Nose In Children Under 2 Years Old

What Drops To Treat A Runny Nose In Children Under 2 Years Old
What Drops To Treat A Runny Nose In Children Under 2 Years Old

It is very important to choose the right drops when a small child develops a cold. There are a large number of nasal products for babies that differ in action and possible dosage.

Children's drops for the treatment of the common cold
Children's drops for the treatment of the common cold

What are baby drops?

Drops from the common cold for children are the first remedy that is used for colds. Baby drops can be classified into three main groups - pharmacy drops, folk remedies and combined ones (made independently, but from ingredients purchased at the pharmacy).

In turn, pharmacy drops are divided into vasoconstrictor, antibacterial, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and immunomodulating.

Pharmacy drops for children under 2 years old

In the initial stages of the disease, drops with a vasoconstrictor effect should be used when a large amount of mucus is released. These include "Nazivin", "Xymelin", "Sanorin" and others. But such drops have a lot of contraindications. Therefore, for children under two years of age, it is recommended to use these drops only in rare cases and with a reduced concentration.

As for antibacterial drops with a high content of essential oils, they are generally contraindicated in children under three years old. The same applies to drops with antiallergic components. For example, "Allergodil" is prescribed only to children who have reached the age of 4.

But moisturizing drops, on the contrary, are recommended for newborns, because they do not contain any harmful substances. The sterile sea water contained in them has a calming effect on the mucous membrane. The most popular drops from this category are Aquamaris and Salin.

Often, to combat a runny nose in babies, they use complex drugs that generally increase the body's resistance to viral infections (Derinat, Grippferon). You just need to pay attention to their concentration.

Drops according to folk recipes

Many parents try to use drops prepared according to folk recipes for their children. By the way, one should not forget that babies can sometimes have physiological nasal congestion, which goes away on its own and does not require additional treatment.

If you decide to use folk remedies for a cold, you can make a solution of sea salt or table salt. To prepare it, dissolve a small amount of salt in a glass of boiled water. Drops made from the juice of garlic and onions will have an antimicrobial effect. This tool can be used for children from one year old. For maximum effect, it is recommended to dilute onion and garlic juice with plenty of warm water and add olive oil.

Great drops can be made with aloe juice, carrot juice, honey, and a herbal mixture. Vegetables are thoroughly chopped, wrung out and diluted with water. Then honey will need to be added to the resulting solution.
