Milk teeth are the predecessors of permanent teeth. And, despite the fact that the first teeth are temporary, their role for the body is important and irreplaceable. And therefore, to the question of whether it is necessary to treat them, the answer will be yes.

Why milk teeth need to be treated
No organ in the body can be called unnecessary. This means that since milk teeth appear in a person and function in the first years of life, they are necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to follow and care for them in the same way as for permanent ones.
The baby's immunity is rather weak and unstable to many infections, since he has never met them before. Therefore, a bad tooth is not only an excellent environment for the development of bacteria, but also a direct threat to the health of the child. The fact is that the toxins produced by microbes are very quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, cause intoxication of the body and lead to diseases of the internal organs.
In addition, many adults who have experienced toothache are well aware of the discomfort that damage to the enamel, inflammation or increased sensitivity of the dental nerve can cause. Therefore, another argument in favor of the treatment of milk teeth is a way to protect the baby from unpleasant painful sensations.
It should be noted that the treatment of teeth at an early stage of damage is quite painless and does not take much time. If the baby from childhood is not afraid of the dentist's office, this will prevent many problems in the future, since he will not experience inexplicable fear sitting in the doctor's chair.
If a damaged milk tooth is left untreated for a long time, it can lead to the need to remove it. As a result, the child's pronunciation of sounds may be disturbed, milk teeth may move to the place of the fallen one, which will lead to an incorrect position of the permanent teeth in the future.
How to prevent damage to milk teeth
The most important rule that you need to teach your child from childhood is daily brushing. You need to brush your teeth twice a day, with a special baby paste and a soft toothbrush. Start using toothpaste from the moment the first tooth appears on the crumbs. And as soon as the kid is able to hold the brush himself, teach him to brush his teeth on his own.
Explain to your child to rinse the mouth thoroughly after eating to get rid of food debris. Avoid snacking between meals and eating too much sweets.
Make sure your child has enough solid fruits and vegetables in their diet. When chewing such food, a mechanical cleaning of the surface of the teeth occurs.
Show your baby to the dentist at least once every six months, even if you do not see any lesions on the teeth, and the child does not complain of pain. It is better to prevent tooth decay than to treat it later.