Is It Worth Giving Milk Porridge To A Child Under One Year Old

Is It Worth Giving Milk Porridge To A Child Under One Year Old
Is It Worth Giving Milk Porridge To A Child Under One Year Old

The beginning of complementary feeding and the expansion of nutrition for an infant is one of the most difficult periods in your baby's development. Mistakes made by parents during this period can have dire consequences for the further growth and development of the child. Strict adherence to the advice of nutritionists and pediatricians will help raise a child strong and healthy.

Is it worth giving milk porridge to a child under one year old
Is it worth giving milk porridge to a child under one year old

Should you give your child milk porridge before the age of one?

The question is not an easy one, for an accurate answer to it one must clearly understand the reason why porridge is added to breastfeeding. It is believed that breast milk has an ideal composition and is the only product that is completely suitable for feeding a baby up to one year old.

At the same time, a situation is possible in which complementary foods in the form of milk porridge are the only way out in order to provide the baby with adequate nutrition. Let's try to list the main reasons for switching to a mixed diet with the addition of milk porridge:

- the amount of mother's milk does not cover the baby's need for food;

- the baby is constantly hungry, does not gain weight;

- breast milk is somewhat liquid, it is required to raise the calorie intake of the child;

- the formula used to replace mother's milk is poorly tolerated by the child;

- there is a lack of B vitamins;

- for any reason, it is not possible to continue feeding the baby with breast milk or formula.

The listing could be continued, but there is no particular need for this. The main thing is clear: there are situations in which the mother, together with the pediatrician, decides to start feeding the child with milk porridge. Porridge is rich in minerals, plant proteins and B vitamins.

When to start?

Usually, they begin to feed with cereals not earlier than the age when the child's gastrointestinal tract is already accustomed to fruit and vegetable purees, that is, not earlier than 4-6 months. But sometimes porridge becomes the first complementary food. Doctors can make these recommendations in case of poor weight gain.

Usually, low-allergenic cereals are chosen, such as rice, corn or buckwheat, cooked first without milk, and then with diluted milk. The groats are crushed in a coffee grinder, or the cooked porridge is broken up with a blender and given to the child through the nipple. Whole grain porridge is not recommended to be given earlier than 9-10 months.

Some mothers prefer to buy cereals in the form of dry formulas for baby food. Ready-made porridge is convenient, but the rest should not be reheated. This rule should not be violated under any circumstances. No manufacturer can guarantee the sterility of formula milk or porridge, and cooked porridge can become a breeding ground for rapidly multiplying microorganisms. When their concentration in a product exceeds a safe level, the product can be extremely hazardous to the health of the child! Do not leave what the baby has not finished eating for the next feed.

Choosing porridge

Semolina has long been considered ideal for feeding babies. But the composition of semolina is much poorer than rice, buckwheat or corn. Rich in carbohydrates and poor in fiber, semolina is preferred later in life. Today nutritionists and pediatricians advise against getting too carried away with semolina in a baby's diet.

Rice porridge spares the intestines of the baby, but is contraindicated for a child suffering from constipation. It is rich in vitamins and amino acids. Corn is indicated for gluten intolerance. Corn porridge prevents fermentation in the intestines. Buckwheat and oatmeal are the richest in composition in vitamins, dietary fiber, and minerals. They give the child a lot of energy, preferably in the morning. These cereals are rich in fiber, this prevents the child from constipation.

How to cook?

It is better to cook porridge for a child by first boiling the cereal in water, then, at the end of cooking, add milk. Until the child is used to whole cow's milk, it should be diluted in half with boiled water. In no case should you give your child goat's milk or cook porridge on it. Its high fat content is dangerous for the intestines of an infant.

During the formation of the child's digestive system, it is necessary to carefully and thoughtfully treat his nutrition. Be careful when choosing a baby's diet. The reward for your work and care will be a happy smile on the face of your healthy child!
