What To Do If A One-year-old Child Clubfoot On One Leg

What To Do If A One-year-old Child Clubfoot On One Leg
What To Do If A One-year-old Child Clubfoot On One Leg

In children, clubfoot is most often caused by untreated dysplasia, muscle hypertonia, or rickets. Clubfoot is treated with massage and bath courses, gymnastics and a visit to the pool.

Clubfoot in a child
Clubfoot in a child

At the age of one year, most children already have to walk. It was during this period that all sorts of orthopedic problems were revealed, including "clubfoot" - the habit of putting the foot inward when walking. A child can incorrectly put both legs or only one, but in any case, he needs to be shown to an orthopedist and osteopath.

Some parents do not pay attention to clubfoot, believing that it is simply easier for the baby to move in this way, and over time he will learn to walk correctly. Sometimes this happens, but most often clubfoot indicates a health problem.

Why a one-year-old child can clubfoot on one leg

There are several common causes of varus placement of the foot (as doctors call this problem). First of all, this is muscle hypertonicity, when some muscles are always in a more tense state compared to others. With unilateral hypertonicity, the child puts one leg crookedly and puts one shoulder forward when walking.

Clubfoot can be caused by hip dysplasia, which is not detected at an early age. In this case, the underdeveloped joint becomes inactive and the child is forced to turn the socks inward when walking in order to facilitate the movement process.

Another possible reason is a mild degree of rickets, in which the legs are slightly bent, and the child simply cannot put the foot correctly.

What to do if a child has a clubfoot on one leg

Only a doctor can determine the cause of clubfoot and prescribe treatment. With dysplasia and hypertonicity, excellent results are obtained by massage of the legs, starting with the gluteal region and ending with the soles of the feet. Parents can consult a professional massage therapist or massage the child on their own. With hypertonia, the orthopedist often prescribes coniferous salt baths for the baby, a visit to the pool and special gymnastics to relieve muscle tension.

It is very important to monitor your baby's nutrition. Problems with the musculoskeletal system often arise due to a lack of phosphorus and calcium, so fish, cottage cheese and other dairy products must be included in the baby's menu.

Shoes should be chosen for the child with a closed toe and a hard high back that fixes the leg well. Do not wear soft-soled sandals and booties or walk on the floor in socks. But running barefoot on pebbles or sand in the warm season, on the contrary, is very useful for strengthening the arch of the foot.
