One day each of the parents is faced with a child's hysteria. Its signs cannot be confused: it is rolling on the floor, tears, a loud cry at any child's refusal. And any ways to come to an agreement do not lead to anything.

In general, children's tantrums are necessary for the development of a baby as a person. Without this, nowhere. A very young child attracts the attention of his parents by shouting, since he does not know how to do it otherwise. Growing up, the child wants his desires to be satisfied. And the fastest and surest way to achieve them is tantrums. Moreover, the baby tests his parents for strength and suits them not only at home, but in crowded places: in shops, playgrounds. The patience of adults is also not the limit, the behavior of the child causes a flurry of emotions - from irritation to anger and rage.
What to do and how to calm down the child?
The first thing to do is to avoid the hysteria itself. To do this, you need to switch the baby's attention to something else by all means. Mainly works for children under three years old. Here it is important not to miss the moment when it will not be possible to distract from the hysteria. A child can be helped by hugging and sinking with him. So understanding will come faster, and negative emotions will dissipate.
If, nevertheless, tantrums cannot be avoided, and the child is in that state that he cannot hear you, then it is necessary to take the child away from the place of the beginning of the hysteria as soon as possible, to leave the room without objects dangerous for the child. It is necessary to convey to the baby at this moment that you, in spite of everything, love him, but do not approve of his behavior. But as soon as he calms down, he can go out and analyze his behavior with adults. In this situation, the main thing for parents is to remain calm, otherwise there will be no benefit from this method.
Another way to combat childish hysteria is to eliminate all viewers, for which the "show" is designed. That is, when the loud screams and screams of the child begin, it is necessary to stop all persuasions, pleas, requests, explanations and go to another room. At the same time, we can say that you are very offended and upset that everything turned out like this. Do not criticize the child at this moment, be patient. Let the child understand that there is no one who could appreciate the volume and strength of his voice. The child's interest in screaming will disappear, he will calm down and come out to you to put up.
Also, wherever the baby gives you a strength test, keep in mind that the behavior of adults under all circumstances should be the same. Of course, when a child is hysterical on the street, any adult becomes ashamed of the action of his child. But this is the only way to overcome this act. If the tantrum occurs in a crowded area, the child should be taken to a quieter place and allowed to calm down. All family members must adhere to one tactic of behavior, otherwise there will be no results.
If everything is done clearly, then you will soon see that the baby will become less hysterical, and all his attempts to achieve what he wants in this way will come to naught.