Love has a beginning and an end. Over time, feelings can flare up and fade. To understand how the relationship between lovers changes, it is necessary to study the stages of love.

First stage
If we omit the period of acquaintance and recognition of each other, the period of courtship or the time when a guy and a girl are friends, and immediately go directly to love, then its first stage is passion. At this time, a man and a woman cannot part for a long time, they pay a lot of attention to their partner.
A man and a woman at the stage of passion do not notice each other's shortcomings. Relationships give a powerful charge of positive, euphoria.
A person seems to flutter over everyday life, and the whole world seems to be a colored cartoon or romantic scenery.
During the first period, you can get great pleasure only from the fact that a loved one is nearby. Holding his hand, kissing and hugging him is already happiness. There are practically no conflicts at this stage. Partners do not clash with interests and do not express any dissatisfaction with each other. It seems to them that this is love "to the grave."
At this stage, the sex life of lovers is very active. Against the background of such passions, it may seem that this is love to the grave. People usually stay in such a sweet illusion until the next stage begins.
Second phase
Over time, the passion begins to wane a little. Partners try to bring variety to their intimate life. Nice underwear, new poses are used. Along the way with the sexual side of relationships, it also develops the social one.
A man and a woman get closer, get to know each other's friends and relatives. Although the feelings of lovers are strong, the feeling of novelty begins to subside.
The guy and the girl think about what kind of person is next to him.
In the process of communication, new character traits are revealed, and time inexorably forces lovers to compromise or quarrel over trifles.
Stage Three
Over time, passions subside, and stability comes to the relationship. Love between a man and a woman gives them not a feeling of butterflies in their stomach, but quiet joy, confidence in a partner, satisfaction and anticipation of a long, happy life. In some couples, this happens.
But sometimes loving people are subjected to several tests of their feelings. The first crisis of relations may arise already in the first year. It happens because of the desire of people to determine their future, to understand how to build relationships further. If the novel does not develop during the first crisis, it may exhaust itself.
Having overcome the first crisis, the couple is not immune from the next one. The intervals at which they occur are individual. But the reasons are about the same: everyday issues, unwillingness to put up with the shortcomings of the other, lack of common interests.
The turning point can be the birth of a child, and not always in a good way. This difficult life period is a real test for loving people.
Those couples who value their loved ones, solve all problems together, go towards each other and try to find a way out of a difficult situation together, receive a reward - true love, strong and proven.