What child doesn't like gifts! On New Years and Christmas, Birthday or Knowledge Day, adults delight their kids with attention. And children are waiting for gifts not only on holidays. The arrival of guests, excellent grades at school are a great reason for a surprise. And if it is presented in an unusual way, it will be remembered for a long time.

Step 1
The easiest way to present a gift is to decorate it beautifully. Use wrapping paper, foil, bows, ribbons for this. Sew a bag out of a beautiful material, pour sweets there, tie with a bow ribbon.
Many kids love stuffed animals. Decorate them with a bow, hang a plaque around the neck with the name of the future owner or animal. For an element of mystery, pack the toy in a beautiful box.
Packaging can be very diverse. It can both hide and display the essence of the gift. Wrap your drawing supplies in a reproduction of a painting by a great artist cut from a magazine. Pack the embroidery kit in material that will be useful for sewing later. Plastic folders are suitable for school supplies.
Step 2
Use the methods that have become traditional for the New Year. Invite Santa Claus, put gifts under the tree, under the pillow. From the West, the custom came to put New Year's gifts in socks and stockings, knitted from colored threads or sewn from bright patches.
Step 3
If the child has an important event and the whole family congratulates him, then use poetry. A first grader, for example, on Knowledge Day, can be congratulated like this.
The child is woken up in the morning, he opens his eyes and sees that the room is decorated with balls and flowers. Relatives are smartly dressed, and they are holding gifts in their hands. Mum:
Dear son, I congratulate you
I will send you to school, loving.
And so that I, son, would hear you, Here's your cell phone. I'm waiting for the signal. Dad:
I wish you to study excellently, My gift will be decent for a man. (Gives dumbbells) Grandma:
And I to my grandson, neither more nor less, I tied beautiful socks at night.
You will study at "five", I will take fishing. (Gives a fishing rod).
Step 4
If your child is very mobile, active, loves to solve all sorts of mysteries, play trackers with him.
Hide the gift in some secluded place. Place a note under the child's pillow, indicating the landmarks for the next location. Depending on the age, the text of the note may be as follows: "Under the favorite armchair of grandmother", "Stand facing north and walk five steps", "In the leaves of mother's favorite flower." There should be 4-5 such secret places. This exciting adventure can lead the child back to the nursery, where there was a present in the table next to the bed. If the gift is large, for example, a bicycle, it can be hidden in a closet, behind an armchair, in a closet, or a shed.
Step 5
The next game is "Hot - Cold". Hide the gift in the room in any convenient place. The child tries to guess where. He names some place. If it's next to a gift, then say "hot". If it is far away, it is "cold". Guide it with the words: "warmer", "colder". This game is convenient to play if the gift is small.
Step 6
Children love balloons very much. Use this to give a gift.
Put a note in one of the balloons where the gift is. Place the balls in different rooms. Hide the balloon with the note so that the child finds it last. By the end of the search, he has not only a gift, but a whole bunch of balloons.
Step 7
The Tangled Path game. It can be used for babies.
Cut the legs out of colored paper, spread them around the apartment so that the child, unraveling the trail, comes directly to the gift. If it's a doll, let the paws be human. If the teddy bear is bearish.
Step 8
The game "Treasure hike" is suitable for older children.
Draw a map and mark the place of the "treasure" with a cross. Let the card have errors or a piece has come off. The guys should look for this place. It is good to play such a game in the country. Do not send one child in search, otherwise there will be no excitement and interest. It would be nice to invite friends.
Step 9
Do not forget to pack beautifully live gifts. Tie helium balloons to the cage with the parrot. Wrap the kitten in a nice blanket. Hide the puppy in the box. Accompany such a gift with verses, questions, stories about the features of care.
Step 10
You can think of many ways. But if there is no special opportunity, just give your child a gift. He is always waiting for your attention and participation. And he will be grateful to you.