The ability to give gifts to loved ones is one of the greatest joys available to a person. With the help of a gift, you can express your feelings, demonstrate your attractive qualities, or simply please your loved one. However, choosing the right gift is always a pleasant, but difficult task for many. Especially when it comes to close relationships. Thousands of men regularly puzzle over how to gracefully give a girl a gift.

Step 1
In order for a gift to really be a joy, it must be carefully thought out and chosen correctly. Much here depends on the personality of the gifted and the degree of closeness of the relationship. And, of course, in no case should you neglect the conventions accepted in society.
Step 2
The main purpose of a gift is always a demonstration of attention and a warm attitude towards the person being gifted. Therefore, a gift should embody a certain intention, have not only material value. It is important to remember that the true value of a gift is not expressed in terms of money. Moreover, a gift that is too expensive and not justified may be perceived as inappropriate and even unacceptable. If you do not yet have a close, stable relationship with a girl, do not seek to give her overly expensive things, unless you are an oil sheikh or a European billionaire.
Step 3
The gift must have a specific reason for giving. It can be an official holiday, a personal date that is important to both of you, or an event. The gift can also be presented without any particular reason, but in this case it should not be binding. If you want to give a gift to a girl just to show her your feelings, choose something neutral-romantic that can be enjoyable, but will not put the person in a dependent position. These can be flowers, sweets, pretty knick-knacks, funny souvenirs, books, CDs or DVDs. Never give decorative cosmetics, especially lipstick, colored nail polish or foundation. It is also undesirable for a guy to give his girlfriend caring or age-related cosmetics - this can be taken as a hint that something is wrong with the girl's appearance.
Step 4
Not only a thing, but also an event can act as a gift. For example, a romantic dinner on the beach or in a good restaurant, traveling together, attending a theatrical performance or a concert of your favorite band. The main thing is that the gifted person gets sincere pleasure from the time spent together. In any case, anything can be a good gift, everything is limited only by your imagination and sense of proportion.