10 Common Mistakes Women Make In Sex

10 Common Mistakes Women Make In Sex
10 Common Mistakes Women Make In Sex

Relationships between partners should always be "warmed up". And the most popular "tool" in this process, which is important for both, is intimate life, which should be diversified more often. But this must be done correctly, without making mistakes, which are often "abused" by the fair sex.

10 common mistakes women make in sex
10 common mistakes women make in sex

Specialists studying gender relations have identified a number of typical mistakes that women make in bed. To always be at your best and be the best for your partner, you just need to follow a few basic rules. At first glance, they are pretty simple. But it largely depends on them how long a woman will be that one and desired one for her chosen one.

Typical misconceptions

In order to maintain idyll and passion in a relationship for as long as possible, both parties must make efforts: both the man and the woman. However, most of the fairer sex believes that everything depends on the man in bed, giving him complete independence, preferring to remain silent about his feelings. As a result, the woman remains dissatisfied. If a woman does not experience an orgasm, she often considers herself frigid, and in order “not to fall on her face in the mud,” she begins to diligently imitate it. Not getting pleasure from intimacy, a woman tries to avoid sex, come up with all sorts of excuses. But you need very little - to be closer to your partner and to trust him.

Mistakes in bed can be avoided

Intimate life plays a big role in the relationship between a man and a woman, therefore, in order for them to last as long as possible, the fair sex should adhere to certain rules in bed. In particular, you should try not to make the most common mistakes.

1. About desires - silence

Often women are afraid to tell their partner about their desires and preferences in bed. One should not think that a man is telepathic and capable of reading minds. In the moment of intimacy, you should not hide what positions and caresses you like. An excited man at the time of sex is able to forget about everything, so it is enough for him to just remind him how you love, and then enjoy the pleasant sensations together.

2. No need to imitate

It is no secret that most women who did not have time or were unable to experience an orgasm at the time of sexual intimacy, they try to imitate it. This is the biggest mistake. An experienced man will immediately feel deception.


3. For an encore! - not to wait

The physiology of men and women is significantly different. So, having experienced a vivid orgasm, a woman can repeat the "process" almost immediately. However, a man needs some time to recuperate. Therefore, you should not demand from your partner a quick repetition "for an encore". If you are so unbearable, you can try to speed up its recovery with erotic massage, caresses and other female tricks.


4. Less words - more action

Men do not like unnecessary conversations in bed. Therefore, at the moment of intimacy, you should not discuss problems with him, work issues or tell what kind of dress you looked after in the store. All this can (and should!) Be left for later. And at the moment - just enjoy the intimacy and enjoy it.

5. Contraception controversy

A frequent problem in relationships between partners (especially at the initial stages of their development) is the issue of contraception. Most men tend to prefer to make love without a condom. A woman, even if she is confident in her partner's health, is usually afraid of unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, the issue can be discussed in advance or you can take its decision into your own hands: modern medicine offers many options for this.


6. Do not discuss predecessors

Often women are interested in how good they are in life and in bed, compared to their predecessors. But all this talk on this topic is not worth it. Especially in bed. Men do not like to talk during sex, especially on such topics.

7. "Scold" your body

Scolding your body for imperfection in bed is the most common female mistake. As a rule, men do not care about cellulite, varicose veins, and overweight. As a rule, this is not the main thing for them. Although it is believed that a man "loves with his eyes." In bed, the figure does not matter. Therefore, you do not need to think about whether you look good during sex, and even more so, you should not pay attention to the imperfections of your body that seem to you.

8. Excessive shyness - no need

You should not be too shy in sex: men do not like this. But the initiative in bed will definitely be appreciated. But do not overdo it: everything should be in moderation.


9 footprints are superfluous

In this case, we are talking about traces of a stormy night. Men do not like it when a woman leaves no scratches, suction, bruises, even if she was very good.

10. Memories of the ex

Trying to praise a partner, he should be compared with his former lovers. By their nature, men are owners and another reminder that his lady was with another can throw him off balance.

Last tips

To maintain a harmonious relationship as long as possible, learn to value your partner and accept him for who he is. Praise but don't praise. Let him know that he is the best for you. Take care of yourself, your appearance. And together embody your sexual fantasies.
