Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to make an important, sometimes even fateful decision. In this case, it is impossible to delay the action, but you need to think it over well.

Analyze the situation
If you have a difficult decision to make, there is no rush. Think it over first. Analyze the situation, collect all the necessary data that may be useful to you when determining with an action plan. Believe me, it is better to thoroughly study the current situation than to regret the decision later.
When you are in a difficult emotional state, this is not the best time to take a fateful step. Wait, give yourself time to calm down and recover. Strong feelings can lead to a biased assessment of the situation and make a mistake. Do not give in to your emotions and take control of them, and only then act.
Rely on logic and common sense. It is they who help to make the right decision. When the right move that you have to make is obvious, but feelings resist the future decision, you need to make an effort on yourself. Think about what is best for you, what is more important to you, and act in accordance with your interests.
Take action
When you have thought everything over and decided, it remains only to take a step. You need to have the courage to make a difference. Remember that you are the person in charge of your own destiny, and take the situation into your own hands. Don't put off a difficult decision until later. Over time, the situation can only get worse, and you will be to blame for this.
Be honest with yourself and recognize the need for change. Imagine what will become of you in the future if you leave everything as it is now. Surely the picture will not turn out very attractive. If it hasn't motivated you enough, consider what opportunities lie ahead if you decide to change.
Trust me, avoiding problems is not the best strategy. Don't bury your head in the sand like an ostrich. Do not be afraid to make a mistake, go for it. Believe in your own strength, trust yourself. If you doubt that you will succeed, remember your victories, successes, how you successfully coped with non-standard tasks. You can also enlist the support of friends, family, or experts.
Rely on what might inspire you in your mind. For example, think about not clinging to the past, that change is necessary for progress in life. Remember that it is imperative to make a decision, and do not forget that you are acting in your own interests.