Naughty and unruly children are usually called difficult. Often the reasons for this behavior are considered hereditary predisposition, the bad influence of the company and other factors. In fact, these children are especially sensitive and vulnerable natures. They become difficult when they come under the influence of life's circumstances, reacting to them more strongly than other children.

Step 1
The numerous whims and stubbornness of such children cause bouts of anger and irritability in their parents. In order not to make a difficult child out of your fidget, never tell him in the process of upbringing that you do not love him. American psychologists argue that to say out loud a phrase about dislike for a child means admitting your parental failure.
Step 2
Whenever you do anything bad, let your child know that you love him. As much as you would like to change his behavior, positive change is possible only if you are like-minded with him. Say that you love him, but think any of his actions are unacceptable.
Step 3
Avoid calling him stupid and lazy or not age appropriate. Thus, you will cause resentment and a sense of humiliation in him. Only criticize for bad behavior, not for obnoxious nature. Otherwise, he will take a defensive position and it will be impossible to come to an agreement with him.
Step 4
Periodically put yourself in the child's shoes, so it will be easier for you to understand the motives of his behavior. Realize that your child is a person, and even though he has problems, sometimes you need not to interfere and give him the opportunity to figure them out on his own.
Step 5
However, this does not mean that everything is allowed for him, the child must clearly understand this. Formulate the rules of conduct and your wishes. Diplomacy should be shown both in infancy and adolescence. Speak in a language understandable to him, but in no case put pressure on him. At both 5 and 15 years old, a child can respond to such pressure with protest and disobedience. It is strictly necessary to require only the observance of safety rules.
Step 6
Analyze your condition. The likelihood of turning an obedient toddler into a difficult child is higher for those parents whose family relationships are devoid of mutual respect. Excessive negative emotions also affect the child. If, when you come home, you are violently indignant about a quarrel with your boss or show dissatisfaction with other work moments, the child may be frightened and not understand that your negativity does not apply to him. He “tries on” your emotional state on himself. Often, such children consider themselves to be responsible for the bad mood of their parents, and if such situations are often repeated, the baby may first become withdrawn, and later - an eternally protesting difficult child.