It's hard to open your heart and be frank about your feelings. There are many constraining factors that prevent this from happening. Someone could already pay for their frankness, someone feels awkward, someone is easier to demonstrate their feelings by actions, and not words, and someone is afraid to cause a backward wave of negativity.

Step 1
Most often, people are held back by fear. For some reason, frank conversations about feelings are perceived as nakedness of the soul, when a person becomes completely defenseless and easily injured. There is some truth in this. Indeed, people who are strong in spirit or who are indifferent to other people's opinions are most often open-minded. However, it is impossible to do without such a skill. A person cannot exist in isolation, he needs communication, and preferably honest and open. To do this, you need to learn how to accurately define your feelings and emotions, clearly articulate your desires and avoid aggressiveness and irony towards your partner.
Step 2
If you have any strong emotions or feelings towards another person (positive or negative), if you want this person to do or not do certain actions, define your feelings and honestly admit them to yourself. It can be either love and sympathy, or hate and irritation.
Step 3
First of all, decide for yourself what you want from your partner, and set yourself an achievable goal. In this case, it is polite, but confident and definitely necessary to say about your desires. Describe the current situation: list what is happening to you, how it makes you feel. Refrain from commenting, just describe the facts. In this case, speech should sound in the first person, pronouns should sound: "I", "me", "me". No accusations and aggression: "you", "you", "you".
Step 4
Formulate what you expect from the person, avoid general phrases, say specifically what his behavior and actions can change the current situation.
Step 5
The next step is very important. Listen carefully to everything that is answered, do not interrupt. Just repeat what you need to feel comfortable again. Do not expect that someone will understand you the first time, everyone looks at the situation from their own angle, everyone has their own feelings and desires. The main thing is to talk frankly about them, then you can find a common language. Demonstrate your ability to speak openly and listen to your partner's words.