It can be difficult to express your emotions. It seems that they will misunderstand, they will not communicate, they will be offended. Such constant monitoring can turn into internal discomfort. How do you learn to openly express your feelings?

Step 1
Thank others for all the good things they do for you. A sincere, heartily compliment brings joy and greatly improves relationships. Accept your feelings as part of yourself. If a friend praises your dress, then rejoice for your own taste. Don't be afraid to admit that you deserve recognition, be proud of yourself.
Step 2
Don't be distant from your emotions. While experiencing the situation, support the words with facial expressions, gestures, intonation. But here it is important not to cross the border of social norms. Defuse the depressing atmosphere with a smile, switch from a raised tone to a calm tone. Otherwise, a sharp conflict, quarrel, scandal will turn into unpleasant consequences for both parties.
Step 3
Express your desires more accurately, formulating them in the first person. Don't be afraid to call feelings by their proper names. Emphasize that this is what you want, that you are waiting for a specific reaction. Feel free to communicate how you experience any event that is happening and exciting you.
Step 4
Analyze and test your emotions. Do not transfer the experienced feelings to the personality of the interlocutor. Otherwise, the focus will be on his imaginary features. For example, if you have sympathy for the interlocutor, you tend to exaggerate his merits. And when you feel anger, you risk seeing the whole world in a negative light.
Step 5
In a situation where it is difficult to find words, it is best to resort to self-irony. For example, when experiencing negative emotions (annoyance, envy, anger), you can laugh at yourself a little. By reducing your own ambition, you are protecting yourself from inevitable disappointments.
Step 6
Tell people how to deal with you, listen to your point of view. You have the right to be yourself. But it is not necessary to kick your partner or smother him with kisses in order for your life to sparkle with new colors and become much more exciting and interesting.