How To Express Feelings In Words

How To Express Feelings In Words
How To Express Feelings In Words

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To express your feelings, there are not enough words, sometimes there are too many words, and none of them seems suitable. Expressing emotions is as much a skill as writing or cycling. And practice will help here, practice and practice again.

How to express feelings in words
How to express feelings in words


Step 1

Consider exactly what you want to say. Make your thoughts more specific. To sort out your emotions, talk about them with someone else you trust and who knows you well. Read books, lyrics, correspondence between Mayakovsky and Lily Brik. Poets are able to express in one precise turn the entire complexity of emotional experiences, the nuances of human feelings. Learn this art from them. You don't have to memorize Byron's poems or quote Petrarch. Perhaps you will choose simpler and more prosaic words, but most importantly - your own.

Step 2

Remember, people find it easier to organize their thoughts when they put them on paper. Psychologists advise you to write down your feelings in a third person, as if it were a stranger. Get creative. Write a short dialogue to try out different options. This technique will allow you to relax and throw out all your emotions on paper. After this exercise, you will have a better understanding of what you want to say.

Step 3

If it's easier for you to express feelings in writing, turn to the epistolary genre. But instead of using SMS and social media, write a real paper letter. Many people miss envelopes, postage stamps, and jagged lines with emotional strikethroughs and margins. A paper letter will emphasize the personal, intimate nature of the message. If you are not ready to fill out a whole sheet with your thoughts and feelings, use a postcard. In this case, even a very laconic letter will not seem too small.

Step 4

Place colored stickers on the walls, on each of which write the name of one of the feelings you are experiencing. For example, if it is difficult to find words for an apology, write on the stickers: “remorse”, “regret”, “sadness”, “loneliness”, “pain”, “love”. When the person to whom you are addressing such a message finds all the notes, explain each of them. If you want to confess your love, use helium balloons instead of stickers. Then you can give a whole bunch of your feelings.
