If your kid has grown up, and he is no longer interested in walking exclusively on the playground in the courtyard of the house, you can take him for a walk to another place. To make it more fun for you, you can invite familiar mothers with children with you.

Step 1
You will have a great time in the park, especially if it is well equipped: there are playgrounds with swings and horizontal bars, fountains, gazebos, benches. Usually, many parents with children walk in such parks, so your child will have the opportunity to communicate with peers.
Step 2
Children will love walking in the zoo. Even if they have already been there, they will still be pleased to see the animals they love again. Another option for communicating with animals is to take your child for a ride on a pony. It is not only simple and interesting, but also very useful.
Step 3
The Botanical Garden is a great place for a relaxing walk among flowers and rare plant species. Children also enjoy spending time by the water, feeding and watching the birds.
Step 4
If there is an arboretum in your city, be sure to take your children for a walk there. The arboretum has clean air, where you can ride a bike, play outdoor games, and organize mini-competitions. You can take a blanket and some food with you and have a snack right in the park, having a small fun picnic.
Step 5
Of course, any child will be delighted with a walk in the amusement park, where you can ride various swings and merry-go-rounds, jump on trampolines, ride a horse. Sometimes such entertainment is costly, so you should not arrange them too often, so that the child does not get used to ready-made entertainment, but can play on the street himself.
Step 6
If your child has already reached the age of 5-6 years, take him to go karting. This is not only outdoor fun, but also exercises to develop your first driving skill. Boys especially like karting. Also, for children it will be fascinating to walk in those places where they can go rollerblading or cycling.
Step 7
Walking outdoors is very rewarding, so try to make it your weekend tradition. And there are many options for where to go.