Many people may ask about your personal affairs. However, does everyone need to tell the truth? Someone asks just like that, someone wants to help. Don't give it all out. Trust only trusted people.

Friends often ask us questions, the answer to which, in principle, does not interest them. These are the norms of communication. The phrases "how are you", "how you feel", "like on a personal front" are rather a kind of greeting. So is it worth answering the question “as on a personal front”?
Asked just like that
If you were asked this question just like that, on the go, then you should not tell the person about the situation in your house, regardless of whether it is positive or not. You can smile back and also say the duty phrase: "everything is good" or "best of all."
Another thing is your best friend, with whom you have not seen for a long time. She, too, may inquire about the state of your love affairs, the origin of which she witnessed. You can briefly tell her about the main thing, they say, "I am getting married, you are also invited", "I broke up with him a long time ago, we are not a couple" and so on.
Out of curiosity
If you see that a person is too interested in your affairs, then definitely this question should not be answered either. You do not know for what purpose you are asked about personal affairs, whether this person wishes you well, so it is enough to assure him that everything is fine with you. If a curious person does not stop pestering with questions that you absolutely do not want to answer, you need to interrupt him with a phrase like "if I need advice, I will contact you" or "I do not discuss this topic with friends." Let this person think next time before meddling in their own business.
In a friendly circle
Sometimes friends hurt a lot. For example, you are sitting at some holiday of friends, almost everyone came in pairs, and you are alone. Some may ask, “How are things on the personal front? You are already 30, it's time to get married. For you, this is already a sore subject, but here it is. Don't show that you are hurt. Feel free to parry: “According to statistics, marriages after 30 break up less often. So you, who got married a long time ago, have something to worry about "or" I'm getting married soon, it's a pity you can't come, because we are celebrating in Paris. " Such answers will not let you offend another time and will demonstrate your sharp mind.
Close people
But close people can be trusted. Mom, sister, grandmother - they will not ask this question by chance. They can help you find a way out of a difficult situation, and you better speak out. When they notice that you are in a sad mood or feeling unwell, they will first of all think that something is wrong with you in your personal relationship. If everything is fine, then hurry to reassure them, saying that everything is fine with you and there is no need to worry. Thank you for your support.