How To Play A Cool Game "Snow City" With Your Child

How To Play A Cool Game "Snow City" With Your Child
How To Play A Cool Game "Snow City" With Your Child

This game will captivate your kid for a long time. If you are not confused by wet cleaning after this lesson, be sure to play "Snow City"! All children are simply indescribable delight from this game.

How to play a cool game with your child
How to play a cool game with your child

To play you will need:

- flour - 100 g

- wooden constructor or toy houses

- small cars and train

- toy men

- cones or toy trees

- paper or whatman paper

- paints

Take a large sheet of paper or glue several small ones together. Color the paper black to show the snow that has fallen. Wait for the paint to dry. Build a city with your kid from a wooden construction set, place it on painted paper. Cones can represent trees, bricks and other constructors will turn into houses. Arrange the little toy people your child loves to play with. If you wish, you can even make a zoo with animal figurines in the city. Don't forget to find a place for cars and a toy train in your city.

Tell your kid a story about this city. The fact that the inhabitants of this fabulous city have never seen snow in their lives. They dreamed of seeing him, touching and playing with him. Therefore, they turned to Mother Nature and asked her to send snow to their city. And Mother Nature responded and sent a lot of snow to this fabulous city. At this point, take a sieve and add flour there. Let the kid sift the flour on the resulting city. Tell the tale further: tell us that snow fell everywhere, both on houses and on roads. Residents were very happy, began to shout: "Hurray, snow! How wonderful and cold it is!"

When all the "snow" is on the streets of the city, invite your child to clean it with different brushes - thick and thin. Remove the snow with shovels - small spoons. Let the residents of the city clean the roofs of houses from snow and roads. To do this, use brushes or straight fingers to draw roads for cars or tracks for a toy train. All this should be accompanied by comments to make your baby even more interesting. You can play this game for a long time, collecting "snow" again and pouring it onto the city. Come up with your own continuation of the tale. Your child will love it! You can film the game to remember later how fun and interesting it was!
